One More Time: Do I have to die to hear you miss me? [Impulse]

Start from the beginning

"HEY!" Skizz yells, punching him in the shoulder.

Impulse winces as he hits one of the many cuts on his shoulder. He covers it up by saying, "Welcome to Hermitcraft!" Skizz sputters indignantly for a few seconds, then shakes himself out, returning to the topic at hand.

"You gotta help me get a kill," he pleads, looking at Impulse with bright blue puppy eyes. "C'mon man! We can get Scar; he's an easy target."

Impulse laughs, forcing joy into his voice. "Sure, let's get brainstorming."

They brainstorm for a good hour, bouncing trap ideas off each other and breaking them down until they're certain it's completable. At the moment, they're stuck on a spleef kill, but there's no way to disguise the trap and remove the floor before the victim – hopefully Scar – escapes.

They're interrupted by a simultaneous ding from each of their communicators.

GoodTimeWithScar blew up

"Ohh, come on!" Skizz cries, falling backwards to lie on the cool floor of Impulse's storage room. He runs a hand through his hair, standing it on end before pushing himself up, swiping open his communicator and checking the list of players. To confirm the message, Scar's name is bright red in its place near the top of the list next to his smirking profile picture. Skizz groans again, putting the back of his hand to his forehead dramatically.

Impulse opens his communicator and scans the player list, looking at all the white names who have yet to die and become Reapers. He lands on Joel, immediately remembering the countless failed traps that would sprout from his death. The hilarity would help take the edge off his death.

"We could go for Joel," he suggests, beginning to sketch on the paper in front of him. "An XP farm would be a great place to get him to stand still, then you drop him into a pit. Simple enough, and if we trap the bottom, he's definitely gonna die."

Skizz brightens up, watching him finish the drawing. "That sounds awesome, dude. Just one problem: where will we get the XP farm?"

Impulse grins wolfishly, happy that this final idea is being taken well. Hopefully, the quality time will help Skizz miss him less when he's gone. "I've already got one. Follow me."

He goes outside to the mountain, climbing up the side beside the waterfall and walking behind the watery curtain to reveal a zombie grinder. He gestures grandly to it and Skizz walks in, taking in the simple, yet effective, farm with wide eyes.

"Dude! This has just been here?" he whisper-shouts, flipping through the chests on the side of the room.

Impulse nods, walking over to the slabs in front of the farm. "Gem found it the other day and asked me to turn it into a farm." He removes the slabs in front of the killing chamber, exposing a good fifteen-metre drop into the cave below. "It won't be enough to kill him, but if we put stuff at the bottom, he should die."

Skizz rubs his hands together gleefully, taking out several stacks of cobblestone. "Let's get to it, then."


Several hours later, Joel is screaming at them as he dies in the pit of zombies, disappearing in a cloud of smoke. He sprints back, arriving as Impulse kills the last of the zombies and retrieves his gear, pillaring back to the top and replacing the slabs. The three of them share a good laugh when their communicators interrupt them with a trio of chimes.

<Xisuma> emergency hermit meeting at spawn

<Xisuma> ASAP

The new hermits look at each other confusedly as Joel finishes putting his inventory back in order. Impulse shudders, mind ticking through the possible reasons for an emergency meeting. Could the code have told X what his plans were? In that case, did that mean the Admin knew he was going to die tonight? Impulse shook himself off, leading the way out of the cave and climbing onto the back of his horse. Skizz and Joel join him a few minutes later and they ride off to spawn full of anxiety, albeit for different reasons.

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