Chapter 15 || Just a game

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Alexander's third person POV:

"Lexi!" Georgia jumps up, slinging her arms around Alexander's shoulders as she gives her a quick peck on the lips, "I.." Alexander looks back to see everyone's eyes laid on her, Jasmin's expression had a smirk planted onto it, Jenna glanced was filled with wonder, and everyone else just looked confused. "Let's talk outside Georgie." She ushers her outside, mouthing 'sorry' to the crew as Jasmin gives her a thumbs up.

She closes the door leaving it a crack open so she could enter again, as she turns to her girlfriend, "What are you doing here?" She asked in a confused tone with the slightest bit of annoyance. Georgia knew that Alexander was going a bit farther from home for her work, but Alexander never told Georgia about how she was going to Montreal, because she knew that she would insist on coming with her and if she was being honest, Alexander didn't want to be distracted by her work, she also didn't want to hurt Georgia's feelings so she tried to tell her as little of the truth as possible, but still confused as how she had tracked her down. "Grayson and I were talking and he was saying about how you came to Montreal, so I thought I'd stop by!" Her bubbly personality and hearty words followed with a wide grin was quite the opposite of how she was talking over text. Georgia barely ever texted Alexander, most of the time Alexander was the one to text first, and sometimes Georgia's texts were dry even.

Alexander rubs Georgia's arm, "well I'm glad to see you, but I'm sort of in the middle of something." she motions her head to the hotel door sounding with people talking and music, "Here, why don't you take my keys and you can-""Oh are those the friends you were talking about? I'd love to meet them!" she steps towards the door but Alexander puts a arm in front of it, "Georgia I don't think now's the time.." Georgia scoffs, like the words went through one ear and out the other, "Oh c'monnn babe, I won't stay long!" She reaches for the door, twisting the knob as Alexander sighs, "Fine."

The two re-enter the hotel room, finding everyone relaxing and hanging out as they all glance to her, ugh, shit. "hey guys, this is my girlfriend-""hi I'm Georgia! It's so nice to meet you!" She takes Jenna's hand shaking it enthusiastically, as Jenna smiles nervously, Alexander could notice that she was uncomfortable. "here, Georgia, let's get you a drink." She moves her over to the table with the assorted drinks, flashing a quick reassuring smile, as she receives a soft smile from Jenna in return. "Look, Georgia, please try and, contain yourself." Georgia turns to Alexander in the middle of cracking open a Pepsi she picked out, "What do you mean?" God.

"I mean don't just randomly touch anyone you see." Georgia shrugs, "okay okay, chill out babe." Alexander lets out an annoyed breath, "Just please, at least control yourself around Jenna."

"you mean the girl I just shook my hand with? She seemed okay." Georgia takes another sip of her Pepsi casually.

"She just didn't- I- JUST-" Alexander sighs, dragging her hand down her face, "just please don't be so touchy. Be polite." Georgia nods with a thumbs up, "Mhm! got it!" She walks out of the kitchen, Alexander trailing behind her nervously. Georgia introduces herself to a few of the others like Jasmin, Liana, and Mason. Until Jasmin suggests to play a game, and not the kind of game Alexander would agree to if Georgia wasn't here. "C'monn Alex you're no fun! It's Spin The Bottle its a classic! It's just a game c'mon." Alexander rolls her eyes, as Georgia drags her along to the circle they formed on the carpeted floor. Alexander plops herself beside her girlfriend with a annoyed expression.

Jasmin finishes her sip of the beer bottle, before placing it into the middle of the circle, "I'll go first I suppose.." She says ominously, as she gives the bottle a good spin. The entire cast bursts out laughing when the bottle lands on Mason, as Jasmin looks at him in disgust, "I'm starting to regret my decisions on this." She crawls over to where Mason was sitting as she glares at him, Mason rolling his eyes in return as Jasmin gives him a quick peck on the lips before sprawling back, spitting continuously while Mason stick is tongue out gagging.

Alexander wipes her tears away from laughing so much as she watches Mason spin the bottle. We do a few more rounds, Alexander had to kiss Devyn at one point, which she was alright with, Georgia, not so much. After Liana gave Jenna a quick chaste kiss on the cheek Jenna reluctantly placed the bottle back in the middle, "Oh god, here we go." Jenna gives the bottle a spin as Alexander eyes it nervously. It spun round and round until it landed on..


"Oh." Georgia says, as she looks up to Jenna. Alexander watches as Jenna picks at her nails, "I.." obviously, Georgia goes along with it, shrugging as she makes her way to Jenna, but Alexander pulls her back, "Georgia wait." Alexander shakes her head, trying to jog back her girlfriend's memory about what they had said, but clearly she didn't remember.

"What? are you jealous?" her tone slightly goes into a flirt as Alexander sighs, "Georgia please. Jenna isn't comfortable." Alexander glances to her slightly, seeing Jenna's head down. "Oh c'mon I know you are!~" Georgia continues not getting the hint as Alexander clenches her jaw, closing her eyes.

"Alex.." Alexander hears Melissa say, trying to calm her down, "It's just a game Lexi don't be so mad! Nobody's getting hurt." Just a game. Just a game? Georgia snickers, as she continues to speak like she had no self respect and was just saying whatever came to mind, "We've had plenty of time in bed, and maybe.. if you're so jealous we could the hotel room.." That's where Alexander lost it.

"GEORGIA, just STOP!" She snaps, her voice spread through the hotel room as everyone fell silent, Georgia's smile starting to fade, "Alex, what are you talking about?-" "Georgia, LEAVE!" Alexander cuts her off, as she grabs Georgia's arm. She see's from the corner of her eye Jenna reaching out slightly, but Jasmin pulling her away, shaking her head to her. "Alex.. I-" Alexander shook her head, She had enough of the excuses, "I didn't want you to come here and this is why. I already asked you to leave and you didn't listen!. you made things worse." Her voice slowly starting to break as tears fill her eyes, "I just wanted to have some fun." 

"Well I'm not! I'm not having fun! I told you about keeping your distance I told you about Jenna. and its like the words just left your fucking brain!" Georgia's gaze goes stern, as Alexander continues to shout, "You actually want to be nice? get the fuck out of here!. right now." She points to the door with a teary but angry gaze on Georgia. 

Georgia clenches her jaw, tears in her eyes as she scoffs, "Fine. Sorry for not being good enough." She shoves past Alexander as she opens the door, leaving the room as she slams it shut. As soon as she hears the footsteps fading, Alexander immediately crumbles, collapsing on the floor, her tears falling as she lets out quiet sobs. She didn't want to have to cry in front of the cast but she didn't know what she could do anymore. Alexander curls herself into a ball, hugging her knees to her chest as she hears small footsteps, "Alex?" Alexander slightly looks up, as she sees Jenna sitting beside her.

"I.." She tries to talk but it feels like there was a huge lump in her throat, instead she just cried, collapsing into Jenna's arms as she hugs her tightly, hearing Jenna's soft words and feeling her hand circling on her back. "It's okay.. It's okay."

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A/N: FSHJFHSJHF I FEEL LIKE THIS IS KINDA DRAMATIC- but if you guys couldn't tell when Alexander was yelling at Georgia it was a little reference to Hazbin Hotelll:3 I hope you guys enjoyed this! might get into some angst the next chapterrr.. ALSO TYSM FOR 1K READS!!<33 ILY ALL<33

𝙗𝙚𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨 | Jenna Ortega x Fem Oc!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя