Chapter 5 || lockers and spray paint

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nearing the end of 10th grade:

TW: homophobia, bullying of self harm.

Alexander's POV:

Sophomore went by quicker then imaginable. If I'm honest, the only think interesting that happened was that Jenna's Disney show Stuck In the Middle came out. I watch most of the episodes and it was enjoyable, predictable, but still nice to see a familiar face. Waves of nostalgia came flooding back to me when I saw Jenna in the first season. She was only around twelve, I missed seeing her.

I watched the last few episodes, seeing Jenna in that beautiful yellow dress, she was absolutely gorgeous. I mean like in a friend sort of way, like yeah, I mean she's always been gorgeous.

Seeing the way she interacted with her acting siblings reminded me of us in our middle school years. That's why I literally watched the entirety of the three seasons in two weeks.

"ALEX COME ON! You're going to be late!" I hear Grayson's voice echo from our stairs. "Coming!" I quickly close the tab on the computer I got not long ago, shutting it off before speeding down the stairs, as I run out of the house.

I walk into the halls of my school, which were never presentable. None of the kids are actually acting normal. I could feel eyes on me but I didn't think much of it, half of them are just acting like wild animals, the other half doing who knows what anymore. yelling out the most random things? making out? drawing on the bathroom stalls? the possibilities are endless.

Sighing, I walk over to my locker, and I see the thing that messed up my entire life. My locker vandalized with the words, "go cut yourself lesbo." spray painted on it. I immediately knew who did this. But how would she have known that I was lesbian?


(just switching povs rq-)

Alexander's third person POV:

And right on point, Alex hear the haunting laughter of the girl she couldn't manage to hate more. "Well look who it is? the freak." Raya spits her gum, aiming it to Alex but she dodges it easily. "Who told you I was lesbian." she demands. Alex could feel rage infuriating in herself, like a volcano about to erupt, but she had to figure out if her claim was true.

"Who else? You have no friends anymore. Ms. Gorilla arms isn't here to save you. of course I got the information from Sky." Alex's jaw clenches, as she feels her hands ball up into fists, not only because Skylar backstabbed her once again, but also because Raya has the audacity to talk about Jenna like that.

Before she knew it, her anger got to her. The feelings of Raya's over-powdered face from makeup hitting the knuckles of her fist, as Alex lands a blow onto Raya, making the girl stumble back as the audience around them gasps. it was like a blur, the moment Raya got her balance it turned into a whole wrestle. First being thrown, stomachs being kicked, and of course, videos being taken.

moments later, once the two got in depth of the fight a few teachers rush over to break them apart.

Alexander sat in the nurses office, the cold air surrounding her followed with an ice pack wrapping in paper towels on her eye. There was a bruise on her right eye that might leave a mark, but of course Alex delt some damage herself, landing a blow in Raya's face and giving her a nose bleed was pretty satisfactory, although Alexander couldn't put her finger on it - how she was feeling.

She felt so angry, but also annoyed, and sad. A bunch of emotions mixed up and whirling around inside of her to result in emptiness. The only thing she could determine currently was that she missed Jenna immensely. She wanted to just run into her arms and hug her tightly like the world had disappeared around them. But of course that wasn't possible. it never was.

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