Chapter 3 || and.. action!

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Late middle school, almost graduating.

small TW: self harm

Alexander's POV:

"What?!" My voice echoes across Jenna's room. "You're going to be homeschooled?!"

Jenna groans, her face in her hands as she falls back onto her bed, "I knoww, I know it sucks, but my mom insists that its better for my acting schedule."

I let out a sigh, flopping onto her bed beside her, "I'm not going to be able to livee." Jenna lets out a laugh, "You'll be okay." I turn to face Jenna on the bed "at least be here for the graduation?" Jenna sighs, turning herself to face me, "I literally begged my mom to let me go, I'll be there."

I smiles back, scooting closer and hugging Jenna, "do you think we'll still be in contact?" Jenna nods, "I'm sure of it."

Jenna and I walk into the cafeteria to see only Avery and Skylar sitting at our usual table. I let out a sigh of relief as Jenna chuckles. We walk over as Skylar walks up to us, "Alex I'm so so SOO sorry! I didn't mean to tell Raya, it was an accident it just-""tell her what?" Jenna looks to me confused. I never told her about what happened the other day.

"Oh.. I.." I bite the inside of my cheek, "I'll tell you later, okay?" I put a hand on Jenna's back in reassurance, as she nods, sitting down onto the table. I could tell she still had suspicion looming through her but at least she left it alone until we could talk in private.

I turn to face Skylar, "Its okay, don't worry about it. Raya's just a bitch that's all." Skylar nods in agreement, "We realized that not long after. We started to defend you and she just got all mad. So, we're back to four." I smile at their gesture, as I take a seat beside Jenna like usual.

"So.. what happened with Raya?" school had ended and me and Jenna were walking to her houae. Thankfully Jenna didn't have any filming today, so she was happy to be able to spend more time with her.

I explain to her about how Skylar had accidentally told her about my self harm, and how she insulted me about all of it. I watched Jenna's eyes widen as I continue to speak, and lift up my sleeve to reveal the band aid over my cut from the rock.

"What the actual hell?!" Jenna yells infuriated, "We've never been rude to her at all and she just goes on and judges us right when we met! Ugh, I'm glad Skylar and Avery stopped talking to her." I let out a sigh, slouching my back as we walk, "what a hand full. and we only knew her for three days is what's crazy." Jenna chuckles softly, as she unlocks the door to her house.

"Mom?" She calls out, replied with no answer. "looks like she's out." She grins at me.

After watching Beetlejuice for the hundredth time, the two of us walk down to Jenna's basement. I remember there being lots of hidden treasures down there.

"Oh my god look!" Jenna points over to a large fish tank, "Isn't that the fish tank you used to have your beta fish in?" Jenna nods laughing.

We found old dolls, googles, shoes, and, "Jenna come here!" She walks over to me, as I hold up an old film camera, "Oh my gosh wait!" She opens it, as we look at old videos of the two of us, "hah! we have a video of you dissecting those lizards!" The two laugh for a long while.

"hey, what if we made a video for our future selves?" Jenna grins, "yeah let's do it!"

The two set up the camera on an old closet, "okay, three.. two.. one.. go!"

It's the first day of high school and I already hate it. I feel like people are starring at me constantly, and the expectations are much higher. I mean, at least I have Skylar and Avery, but it's not the same without Jenna here. The graduating ceremony was amazing, it was so fun. We threw our hats up in the air and all the grade eights had a party and everything. Although, Jenna started to get a lot more busy lately. She's been getting a lot of jobs, plus Stuck In the Middle. We still try to hang out often, but its pretty hard.

Unfortunately, I'm not in the same class as Skylar, nor Avery. I sigh, walking into my homeroom as I see a load of people, I can already tell the separation in this classroom.

that group of girls over there, sitting on the desks, the popular ones, probably all rich and bratty.

those boys, ugh, don't even get me started. They're probably all annoying and nosy.

a few people that look presentable, probably people who actually follow the rules.

and a few people sitting alone, quiet kids.

I walk over to the back, gripping onto my books as I sit down onto a desk beside a short haired brunette. I glance at her, as we make eye contact, and smile at each other softly.

"Hi." She says, as I nod softly, "Hey."

"Alright class! Get into your seats." The groups of people scatter, as they all slip into their desks. "My name's Ms. Jameson. I'll be your homeroom teacher." She takes out her binder and starts to call out names.

"Tyler?" "Here." One of the boys from the annoying group raises their hand lazily.

"Brittany?" oh lord. "Here!" A bratty girl raises her hand, I can already tell she's going to be a pain and yet a teacher's pet.

"Sarah?" "Here." one of the presentable girls raises her hand softly.

The list goes on and on, usually my name was near the end. "Alexander?" "Here." I raise my hand, "You could call me Alex or Xander, please." A few of the boys snicker, as I roll my eyes.

"Emma?" The girl beside me raises her hand, "Here." Her voice was soft and a warm tone. I glance to her as the teacher calls out the last few names, "Emma huh?" I tease as she looks to me. "Xander huh?" She teases back.

I roll my eyes in a playful manner as she giggles, "Don't worry, I'm not like the boys I won't make fun of you." I smile softly as she extends a hand, "Emma Myers." I take her hand, shaking it. "Alexander Miller."

And before we knew it became friends in a blink of an eye.

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A/N: HEHEHEHE EMMA'S HERE>:] anywayss I might get more into the romance, it would've been convenient if this was a Emma x fem oc fanfic but oh well, Emma will just stay a good friend. hope you guys are liking it so far:3

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