Chapter 14 || we have a visitor

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Alexander's third person POV:

"How'd you get past what happened to you?" Jenna asks Hayden in character, as she takes a breath, "I almost died after I was stabbed." She stops to correct herself, "Technically I did die, for four minutes." Alexander was camera A, who was filming on Hayden's side, camera B was on Jenna's side, and camera C was across the theater, filming as a landscape. "When I recovered," Hayden continues in character, "I got mad. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life being afraid of monsters," She turns to Jenna, "I wanted to monsters to be afraid of me." Jenna nods softly, "I like that."

"cut!" Tyler yells, as Alexander lowers the camera, straightening her posture and getting up to stretch her back as she sets herself up for the next scene, walking herself over to set her camera up in front of Jenna and Hayden. It's been a few weeks after their day off, and it's been really busy, but it was almost late July, and it's been successful for Alexander, and she was happy she got to put a name on something big for once. Sometimes she couldn't believe that she was going to be apart of one of the crews in the Scream franchise, but here she is, with such amazing people.

"And.. action!" I start the camera, lowering my position into a crouch as I keep my eye on the film, while camera B goes and films Dermot Courteney and Melissa entering the balcony, "think I might have an idea about how to turn the tables on this freak." Alexander hears Dermot say from a distance, as she slowly moves her camera to the side front of Hayden. Courteney agrees in character, as Hayden raises her hands, "Sorry Gale, no press allowed, police business! I'm good at my job too." She smiles in Courteney's direction, as Courteney returns with an annoyed expression in character. "And.. Cut!" Alexander lowers the camera, letting out a breath. it was pretty late out, around 7pm and they were going to wrap up soon.

"God I'm soo tiredd." Alexander groans, dragging herself towards Jasmin, as she lightly laughs, "You're going to be a shrimp by the end of this." Alexander scoffs, "my back is going to be so sore." Jasmin sighs, rubbing Alexander's back comfortingly, "Me and the crew are going to hang out at my room, wanna join?" Alexander shrugs, straightening her posture, "Yeah sure, why not, might as well drink a bit." Jasmin nudges her, "Still got your spirit in you."

We were all gathered into Jasmin's hotel room, Jack couldn't join us today but Josh decided to come. Jasmin Mason and Alexander were all in Jasmin's room, Mason was organizing the snacks on a small portable table while Alexander was flopped onto the couch in exhaustion. 

The ringing doorbell sounded into Alexander's ears, "Xander can you get that?!" She hears Jasmin yell from a distance, as Alexander lets out a groan, getting up from the couch as she mopes over to the door, fixing her fluffed up hair as she opens the door to see Melissa, Skeet, Liana, Devyn, and Jenna. Melissa and Josh were holding a few beer boxes, while Liana had some soda. Devyn had candy bags in her hands, and Jenna was holding two bags of chips, smiling softly. Alexander chuckles, "Come on in." She ushers them, using her hand to move them into the room.

Everyone sets out the drinks for one another, as we each take a drink, raising it into the air. Alexander picks out a beer as Jasmin calls out, "To Scream!" "Scream!" we all call out, before taking a sip of our drinks. Alexander flops onto the couch once again, laying her head back as she hears a certain familiar chuckle. "You seem tired." Alexander hears Jenna say, as she glances to the shorter girl, "Yeah well, I'm going to have back pain for months after this." She sighs, receiving a giggle from Jenna in return as Alexander smiles softly.

"How about you?" Jenna looks to Alexander in the middle of taking a sip of her drink, "Is acting tiring for you?" Alexander adds in, as Jenna sighs, "When you try to do all your own stunts then yes, it can be." Alexander releases a breathy laugh, "Welp, it is what it is."

"so how's Grayson and Brighton?" Jenna asks in attempt to make conversation, "Grayson's good, he's been training as a lawyer even though he's a ball of anxiety himself." Alexander lets out a chuckle, "I assume Brighton's good, I haven't talked to her in a bit of a while, but last time I checked she's still working at the Sunrise Cafe, and I'm pretty sure she's going to own it soon enough." Jenna smiles softly, "That sounds amazing! I'm glad for both of them." Alexander smiles, as she was about to continue on talking about her little sister when suddenly Alexander feels her phone ringing in her pocket, "Oh, uhm excuse me for a moment." She hoists herself up from the couch, walking to the side of the room as she sees Grayson calling her number. She picks up the phone, raising it to her ear, "Hey Gray, what's up?"

"Hey sis, how you doing?" Alexander was took aback by his words, he didn't usually call just to ask 'how she was doing.' More so to check if she wasn't dead or anything, "good.. I'm fine." "good, that's good." there was a moment of silence, until Alexander adjusts her position to leave her arms crossed, "Grayson why did you call me?"

"What do you mean? I just want to check on my little sister." Alexander rolls her eyes, "You never call me just for that. What do you need? Did someone die?" She hears Grayson sigh over the phone, "Look, I mayyy have accidentally done something you probably wouldn't have wanted me to do.." Alexander raises an eyebrow, "Like, what?"

"Don't get mad at me, I didn't mean to I just- it kind of spilled out. I was talking to Georgia and-" Suddenly the doorbell rings, "Hold that thought." "No wait Alex!-" Alexander lowers the phone from her ear, "I'll get the door!" She calls to the others as she walks over to the hotel door, who would be knocking now? Who else could it be, maybe Jack?

She opens the door with hesitation, as she sees a slightly shorter girl with shoulder length blonde hair, with a white crop top on and some jeans, she had a wide smile on her face.

"I.. Georgia?"

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A/N: sorry this chapter is kinda short- I have things planned...c:

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