6. Chapter ❯❯

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Niklaus Mikaelson frowned as he pulled himself out of the cars driver seat.

Grumbling lightly, still a bit sour over the fact that Presley had spent the remainder of their drive in the backseat.

He had to force his eyes onto the road and away from the mirror that allowed him to see the backseat.

Presley and Stefan had been conversing mindlessly for a while and it had begun to irritate the hybrid to no avail.

He forcefully breaks the car, causing Stefan to jerk forward quite a bit. Slamming his forehead and hero hair against the front seat' headrest.

Niklaus smiles at the sight of Stefan in such pain.

"Oh! Stefan are you alright?" Presley gasps out. Still foreign to the idea of vampires and not remembering that they can heal themselves.

"Yeah I'm fine," Stefan says with a thin lipped smile aimed her way to show that he was okay.

Niklaus frowns as his plan was clearly not working. He rolled his eyes.

"Fascinating," Presley mumbles as she intensely watches the cut of Stefan's forehead heal almost instantly.

Stefan gives her a weary smile. He hadn't known many people in his lifetime that weren't afraid of him, much less fascinated by him.

"Come on Presley. I've got the perfect little plan to get invited in. So get your acting skills together," Niklaus says as he aggressively pushes his car door open.

Presley rolls her eyes at him but silently agrees, getting out the car.

Stefan goes to follow but Niklaus puts a hand to the Rippah's chest. Forcing him back into the backseat before he could even stand properly.

"Wait a few minutes before heading around back," Niklaus instructed stiffly to Stefan.

The blonde ripper nods and heads off toward the rather large county side house.

Niklaus then offers his arm for Presley to take if she so pleased.

Truth be told, he wanted to just grab her hand in order to play the part to perfection. But he withheld like a true gentleman.

Channeling his inner Elijah. He waits and doesn't object when she doesn't take his arm.

Though after a minute of walking to the doors steps. Presley sideways glances were not alluding Niklaus.

Though he pretends not to notice. He notices her finger twitch but thinks nothing of it.

Till he's taken by surprise by her grabbing hold of his hand.

She looks up at him after a few moments of his stunned silence.

"Just playing a part," She mumbled in a way that Niklaus could only describe as sickeningly sweet.

He supposed it was good that he was developing a bit of a sweet tooth then.

He grins in his mind but he smirks physically, as the two of them finally reach the porch.

'Bright smiles.' Presley thinks to herself bitterly as the door swings open. Briefly wondering how Stefan was fairing at the moment.

Niklaus allows his eyes to shift down to her hand encased in his and he does his best to remain in the moment. The moment being deceiving an elderly woman.

Presley nestled closer to Niklaus, her voice a melodious ringing besides his ear.

"I'm so glad we're finally here, my dear. I've been dreaming of this moment all week." She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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