4. Chapter ❯❯

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Presley grunted slightly when the sun hit her closed eyes at just the right angle to cause her annoyance.

She picked her head up from it's awkward angle against the window of the car door.

Presley turned slightly to see Niklaus driving and she was quick to turn away.

However she wasn't quick enough as he had noticed and took it as an invitation to speak to her.

Which was the very last thing she wanted in her life.

"Love," He asked, trying to gain her attention again.

"Mhm," She hummed out quietly, to show that she had heard him.

"Since it's such a long drive. I could use some entertainment. Tell me about yourself," Niklaus suggested.

Though when you're kidnapped by the original hybrid and he asks you something, it's not truly a suggestion anymore. It's a demand.

"Umm well. My name is Presley Gilbert. I have two siblings though one is adopted. -And I lost my parents a while ago from a car crash on a bridge," She stated.

Her eyes glancing back to Stefan through the rearview mirror as she spoke the last part of the sentence.

She quickly tore her gaze away and continued to look at the speeding horizon to take her mind off of her dearly deceased sister.

"Well I know that. Tell me the interesting stuff," Niklaus urged, taking one hand of the wheel as he made gestures while speaking.

Presley pursed her lips before speaking.
"Interesting stuff ?" She questions.

"Yes and tell nothing but the truth. If I find that you're lying... I'll simply compel you to tell the truth," Niklaus advises her and Presley nods slightly.

"But what exactly is 'Interesting stuff,' as you so eloquently described it," Presley asked the hybrid.

Niklaus's gaze briefly flicked it her before looking back towards the road.

Stefan had been listening to music, unable to hear any of the words being spoken.

Since Niklaus had teased him enough earlier in the ride to the point that Stefan was ready to hurl himself out the moving car into the open road.

"Interesting like....the impactful things from you're life. I want to learn everything about you. If not out of boredom than also to hold it above Damon Salvatore's head. The bloke annoys me to the point of chopping off my own ears," Niklaus jokes making a chopping motion with his free hand.

Presley let out a snicker.

Her eyes grow wide and she slaps a hand over her mouth to stop any other possible snickers from accidentally escaping her.

The corner of Niklaus's lips tilted upward. He hadn't been expecting that from her.

"I take it you don't like the bloke either ?" Niklaus questions though he already had his answer.

Presley hesitated before answering. "...Not particularly... He's about as fascinating as a brick," She states.

"A brick ?" Niklaus questions with a raised eyebrow. Curious as to why that was what she chose in comparison for Damon Salvatore.

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