2. Chapter ❯❯

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Presley Gilbert woke with a fright and a loud gasp. Her lungs burning for air.

'What's going on ?' Presley questioned herself in her mind.

When she finally came to her senses, she felt the rough interior of a car.

The dull droning sound that a person could hear when on the highway, filled her ears and she groaned lightly.

She rolled her head to the left and that was when Stefan took notice of her.

"Presley ! Are you alright ? Are you hurt ?" He quickly questioned, worried for his girlfriend's little sister- possibly ex girlfriend, he wasn't quite sure where they stood now that he was forced to go on such a lovely trip with Klaus, After Klaus broke his curse and 'murdered,' Elena.

"Stefan ? What's going on ?" Presley questioned quietly.

Stefan stared at Elena's sister with sadness in his eyes.

"This is gonna be...a lot to take in Presley," Stefan says and Klaus suddenly pulls the car over onto the side of the highway.

"What are you talking about- wait ! You're the guy from the library !" Presley exclaimed as the memory came back in a sudden rush of information.

"That I am, love. You see I took you as a....last punishment for you're dear sister who decided to betray our deal.  So now you are joining me and Stefan on a little vacation," Klaus said in a teasing tone that was filled with malice.

Stefan glared at Klaus through the rearview mirror because of how Klaus spoke so easily to Presley like he hadn't killed her sister, only yesterday.

Stefan didn't have the heart to tell Presley that her sister was dead. He couldn't tell her that Elena was still alive thanks to John because then he risks Klaus finding out and then Klaus might just kill Elena.

Stefan sent Presley a weary glance. As far as he knew Presley had no knowledge of the supernatural.

In fact, Stefan knew barley anything about Presley. Elena was keen on keeping her siblings out of the supernatural. Even though Jeremy had found out.

Elena did everything in her power to keep Presley from finding out about the vampires that ran around town.

Presley blinked in response to the whole situation before sitting back with a frown on her face.

Stefan stared at her continually as he tried to figure out how she felt at the moment.

"Oh this is gonna suck," Presley mumbled turning on her side and staring out the window as Klaus had begun driving again.


The car parked at an old looking hotel but it was still in great shape.

Klaus got out of the car from the drivers seat to go and get rooms.

Stefan and Presley sat in the back for a moment.

"I knew there was something weird about you," Presley spoke up quietly and Stefan's head snapped towards her.

He had been given the impression from Elena that her sister was relatively quiet about -mostly everything.

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