1. Chapter ❯❯

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'Gonna wash away all that misery and our fear....'

The loud music blared through the pretty blondes headphones and when she heard a loud cough from above her. She quickly pulled own side of her headphones off of her right ear.

The song was 'I got a feelin' in my body,' By Elvis Presley. The man who was her name sake.

"Hello ?" She mumbled out as she stared at the stranger ahead of her.

"Hi," He said as he placed himself in the seat across from her.

The library was so quiet that Presley began to feel a bit uneasy.

"I'm sorry, do I know you ?" She asked after blinking twice as she tried her best to remember him.

"Oh no, -But I do know you're sister my dear," He said and she smiled softly at that.

Whenever she meet someone that she didn't know they usually stated something along those lines.

-And Presley Gilbert trusted her sisters gut. If Elena deemed this person adequate enough then Presley deemed them adequate enough to speak to for a bit.

It was a small town after all.
Presley was the middle child. In-between having Jeremy Gilbert and Elena Gilbert, Presley was born the year in-between.

In her opinion, they should have waited. -But she couldn't re-write the past so. No matter in complaining about it now.

"I'm Presley. So you know my sister ?" She said waiting for him to say Elena's name to see if he truly knew her. Or at least had heard of her.

"Yes. Elena Gilbert is you're sister, no ?" He said with a questioning tone as he tilted his head slightly. The man had a British accent that allured Presley ever so slightly.

"Aren't you a bit old to be friends with a teenager ?" Presley questioned with slightly narrowed eyes as her the gears in her mind began to turn. Wondering if this man had in fact been a pedophile.

"Well yes ? But I'm more so a friend of your Aunt Jenna," He said and Presley frowned a bit.

"Oh," She mumbled. She was a a bit concerned. Who was this man. His extensive knowledge on her family freaked her out, ever so slightly. Mostly since her Aunt had never mentioned him.

"Where are my manners ? My brother would scold me if he knew that I forgot to give you my name," The man chuckled slightly.

"Im Klaus," He stated with a light smirk making it's way onto his face.

"Presley," She stated simply.

"But I already told you that," The blonde mutters almost immediately after saying her name. The original keeps his laugh to a minimum since it was obvious that Presley had no intent on him hearing her.

Yet do to his enhanced hearing, he had heard the small remark that she had made.

"It's getting quite late. You should be making you're way home, yes ?" Klaus asked and Presley furred her eyebrows together.

She turned her head slight to glance out the window. -but she made sure that she could see Klaus through her peripheral vision. After all, she had only just meet him.

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