[Chapter 1]: Reconstitute

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Trees of variety stood tall beside a widely paved road, placed intermixed within the surrounding foliage of Greenery Park. A plethora of birds twittered their hearts out among the full branches of redwood, sycamore, oak, and cypress; the earthy shades of their barks and vibrant leaves were a treat for the eyes of any passerby out on a nature walk.

Amidst the dense patches of flora were occasional clearings, ever so perfect for laying a picnic blanket and enjoying a nice meal or simply basking under the brilliant sun. In the distance, boisterous chatter could be heard from what one could only assume were children playing in the park. It was a typical summer day, after all.

Accompanying the refreshing sounds of nature, prominent footsteps resounded in the air as their origin, a worn pair of black boots, took step after step further within the park. As the blinding afternoon light reflected off multiple ear piercings hidden under his shaggy blonde locks, Kali curiously regarded the countless plants falling under his gaze. His deep, envigorated blue eyes swept around, searching for things that were not there.

Surprised to find it relatively empty in the area he now traversed, he'd initially been expecting many parkgoers. Especially at this time of day, when the children should long have left their educational prisons, the working adults clocked out so that they all may enjoy the leisure of an uneventful Wednesday evening.

How strange, he pondered, that few had decided to visit the gorgeous park during this lovely weather with a rare clear sky. After all, he knew the rainy season tended to linger until late May in the northern regions. Though they were warm showers, he was certain more would enjoy a swarthy day without lukewarm water pouring down incessantly upon them.

As the rough static of his suitcase being towed across the pavement created jarring noises in the peace, Kali couldn't help feeling that today would not be as good as it appeared. But for now, he maintained his excitement. He was about to start anew, leaving behind the cowards that he once couldn't live without, and that was all that mattered at the moment.

Having broken free of a toxic, long-term relationship roughly three months ago, Kali had upped and moved his entire livelihood to the next town over. Of course, it took approximately three unwelcome visits from his ex-boyfriend and five hasty hotel changes before he found a permanent residence to settle into, far from the drama of persistent old lovers and past friends.

Before he ran off, a sprinkling of unsavory messages from his so-called friends made it evident they weren't entirely on his side. They believed he was stubborn, running away from problems allegedly resolvable with simple apologies, but their opinions didn't matter to Kali anymore. He could go without worrying about their feelings and their false conclusions when they refused to see things from his perspective, hypocritically projecting their own delusions onto him. They could not dare to abandon him now that he had done it first.

Kali's bitter thoughts scattered after an abrupt jolt, having tripped over a stray pebble on the cobblestone trail he'd cut into. Rather peculiar that was, given the other stones looked perfectly set into the ground and well-maintained. In his new line of view, however, he found the shoelaces of his boots undone. It was a wonder he hadn't tripped over those instead.

Once he adjusted the loose strings, he dusted his cargo shorts and picked up his pace, his large purple suitcase clattering behind him. The freshly sprouted leaves gradually grew denser, leaving only the pathway before him in sight, far from the unbarred grandeur of the playing fields he'd been passing until then.

He'd finally left the public portion of Greenery Park and entered the area most never traversed. His destination, namely the house he was moving into, was situated dead in the center of the privately owned facility.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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