"Bro why are you even asking you're literally Poseidon's son you don't even get wet" I say

"Hey, I can if I wanna!" He snaps back.


"Like ten minutes after dinner?"

"sounds good." 

"Yep. Good with me."

Dinner finishes shortly and we all head back our own ways to our respective cabins.

On the way I see Annabeth. "Annabeth!" I whisper yell at her, trying to catch her attention.

"Oh my gods you're alive!" She pulls me into a hug.

Okay what the fuck. I'm confused. Did she not try and kill me?

"I didn't want you to die you know...it was supposed to hit your bow. Just a little...you know. But I'm so glad they fixed you up."

"Yep." No way I'm telling her the truth of that story.

"Well, glad you're okay. And that I'm not in trouble because there's no proof." She laughs.

I round the corner and head into my cabin without saying anything else to her.

I'm getting ready in the bathroom when suddenly my stomach lurchs. I turn and hurry over a sink.

I'm suddenly throwing up all of my dinner. I haven't eaten in a while. Maybe my body doesn't like it anymore. Good honestly.

My sister Peony walks in to see what's happening. "Oh. Are you like..okay?" She's chewing gum and doesn't really care.

"Just peachy." I respond.

I then throw up again.

I hear a knock at the door outside and the following conversation.

"Oh, hey Lilly."

"Hi Percy. If you want y/n she's sick right now."

"Sick? What kind of sick? Like she's got a cold orrrr" 

Peony walks out and tell him. "she's throwing up in the bathroom if that helps"

"Am I allowed to come in or is that not allowed?" He asks.

"Just us three right now, so I'd say you're good."

I puke up the last of whatever I've had in the last twenty four hours. Ugh. I feel disgusting...but at the same time it feels alright, because it means I don't have to worry about the stuff from dinner.

I loook at myself for a second. My hair is messy and my face is a little red with watery eyes. I don't look like I've really been throwing up. I feel dizzy. I close my eyes for a second.

I feel a hand on my back and lips brush my ear for a second. "I don't want to overwhelm you, and I don't want your sisters to hear this if you don't want them to but I can tell somethings going on."

I open my eyes and turn to see him. "I'm sor-"

"Not your fault. Whatever is happening right now is not your fault." He rests his hands on my shoulders.

"But you won't eat, when you do it's not a lot, and now you're throwing up after you do. And honestly, this looks like an eating disorder y/n. I'm pretty sure it is. Earlier when we talked I didn't wanna say it, but I think I need to now."

I'm quiet for a second. He is too. I hate this. I don't want to talk about it. We were never supposed to talk about this, this wasn't supposed to happen. This is weird, I don't like it one bit.

My brain is screaming at me to say no it's not, or change the subject.

But I don't.

I look down. "I don't know what's wrong with me." It's quite enough that he can hardly hear it.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you y/n. You're the sweetest, prettiest, kindest, most caring, most patient, funniest, and precious person I've ever met. Nothing is ever enough to make me change my mind on that." 

He lifts my chin up. "Ever."

He trails his hand down my arm and intertwines our fingers. "Okay?"

Instead of answering the question I pose another one. "There are so many other people who you could be interested in though, you realize that right?" 

"None of them are you."

"But-" I'm cut off my him suddenly hugging me. "Stop worrying. We can figure this out together. Like always, I'm here for you. I know it's hard."

"Okay. Thank you" I mumble into his chest, it still feels weird to talk about. But I know it's not. 

"You wanna know something?" He asks.


"Beach girl!" ( A Percy Jackson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now