Chapter XX - Village

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"Carla, are you almost finished with the properties of the lapis lazuli?" said Evoke.

"Yes... Evo... ker..." said Carla, whose leg is chained.

Evoke replied, "Let me see it" he then pushed her.

As he examined it, he found an enchanted glint. "Yes, I did it! Wait!"

He then took an old iron sword and put it on the table with a book full of scripture. "Good thing I stole this enchanting table, and thanks to you, I finally know how to enchant weapons."

"Y... You're... A... Monster..." said Carla.

Evoke rolled his eyes and kicked Carla's face, then replied, "No I am not. You are a monster, look at you!? Are you a creeper?"

He then put the sword next to her neck. "Or a human?"

"You're a villain, Evoke! You're just a wolf wearing sheep's clothing!" said Carla.

Evoke slapped her and replied, "I am the villain! Those five 'heroes' killed my wife! And don't give me a start that villains are made! So are heroes, Carla!"

"BUT YOU KILL PEOPLE!!" Carla's rage begins to spike up.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you can't even fight on your own, Carla," said Evoke, then looked away from her and said, "After all, you're chained, and I injected anti-explosive in your bloodstream."

Carla's face shed tears while Evoke laughed at her, smiling while trying to enchant an iron sword.

"Hmm, there's one problem," said Evoke.

"It's written in Standard Galactic Alphabet" he realized that it was written in an ancient language that he couldn't understand.

He then got an idea, he looked at Carla and smirked. "You are a hundred years old, and your father, the Brawly Creeper, must've learned this language, so maybe, you know how to read it."

"No... I won't tell you!" said Carla, who had had enough of him.

"Read it! You fool!" said Evoke, then pulled Carla's shackles close to him.

"Do it! Or else you're dead!" He then forced her to read.

Carla replied, "Okay! Okay! Okay!" she then read the enchanted book on the enchanting table.

"To enchant the item naturally, Thou shall feelings towards ye family or friends must be full of EXP and one of these seven traits: determination, integrity, bravery, justice, kindness, patience, or perseverance," said Carla.

But Evoke rolled his eyes and said, "Find something that is part of my plan, Carla! Don't read the first chapter! Read the part that, I don't know, a part where a lapis can enchant an item!?"

Carla replied, "Okay! Okay! But don't hurt me!"

She then flipped a page and said, "There, here are the enchantments to put on the sword..."

"What does it say!?" Evoke asked.

"There are Flame, Unbreaking, and Sharpness."

Evoke then pushed Carla and said, "Let me!"

He then picked the level thirty enchantment, and his iron sword was enchanted with Sharpness V, Flame II, and Sweeping Edge I.

"Something is missing," said Evoke, then went to a bookshelf, and picked a Book of Mending I.

He then forged into his sword.

"Yes! I have done it... Now who's going to stop me!?" said Evoke.

A week later, Eren found a small village and said, "Guys, shall we settle there?"

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