Chapter II - Arrival

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King Alexander informed his people that his son would come back in a few days. The townspeople worked together to decorate the streets, and the next day they finally came.
Hundreds of people were celebrating Alexander's arrival, including his party of heroes. The names of the five heroes that arrived are Brennen the Flaming Vanguard, Eren the Hunter, Frieren the Cold Mage, Stein the Priest, and Kris the Knight, who is the son of King Alexander.
The five heroes arrived at the castle and were invited to the king's dinner hall.
King Alexander: Kris, I am so glad that you came back safely.
Kris: Thank you, father. It is my duty as a knight to protect the people throughout the land.
King Alexander: Now, let's have a feast. All five of you must've been hungry after all the fighting.
The five heroes and the king had a feast, and they enjoyed it.
Brennen: Oh, man! This tastes so good!
Frieren: Brennen, don't talk while your mouth is full.
Brennen: Sorry, sis'.
Eren: I'd rather not mess with her or have rude manners, Kris.
Kris: Even though she's a cold mage, She's still important to our team.
Stein: You are right, Kris.
After the feast, the king told his son to come with him while the four heroes stayed in the palace, taking a rest.
Kris: Father, why did you call me?
King Alexander: There's something I need to show you, son.
King Alexander opened the secret door, and both of them went down in the lab.
Kris: So what are we going to do? YOU!?!
Stark: YOU!?!
Kris: Isn't that the thief who stole my diamonds five years ago, father?
King Alexander: Calm down, son. He's my royal scientist.
Kris: Yeah, so-called "Royal Scientist." What brings you here?
Stark: Your father and I have been experimenting with this in the other dimension.
Kris: A portal, eh? What could be on the other side?
Stark: Both of us don't know yet, but we will go in.
Kris: Wait! Before you two go in, My team should go in first.
King Alexander: No, my army and I will go in first.
Kris: Yes, father, I'll call fifty troops to go with you. Then I'll call my team.
Kris followed the orders of his father and brought fifty troops. Then the army prepared food, armor, weapons, and tools.
Kris: Now, are you ready to go through the side, troops!?
Fifty Troops: Sir, yes, sir!
Kris: Onward!
The army of King Alexander went through the portal first. Then he entered, including Kris and Stark.
King Alexander: Would you look at that? One out of ten pigs survived!
Stark: It looks like the chances of survival are low, your majesty. This place feels so hot!
The dimension they entered is a hellish place underneath the Overworld's crust. Filled with a lake of lava, flames that won't die, and mysterious glowing rocks that hang above the ceiling, the ground they stepped on felt like the flesh of the dead. They're so amazed by the view, yet they feel like they are inside an open oven.
Guard 1: Is it just me? Or this place is so hot!
Stark: Yes, it is quite hot in here. I've got to keep track and put these in my book.
King Alexander: Very well, then, let us begin our expedition.
They begin their expedition with little to no knowledge of what kind of dimension they are in.
Stark: Any names for what we call this world, sire?
King Alexander: This place is like hell, but I don't see any life here. Probably because the temperature is too high to live in.
Kris: Hmm, how about we call it "The Nether?".
Stark: That sounds nice, Prince Kris. It means "below," kind of like the legends of the underworld.
King Alexander: Maybe the legend is true, Stark. This must be what the damaged grimoire tells us about.
As they talked while they explored. They hear a screeching noise similar to the sound of a cat hissing.
King Alexander: Don't move... Something is alive... Prepare your weapons!
The guards unsheathed their swords and prepared their bow and arrow. Waiting to see what kind of living creature they will encounter. Then there was a floating giant creature with very pale skin, tear marks that are dried, red eyes that are full of sadness, and long tentacles. The creature looked at the guards and spit fireballs.
Stark: Look out!
The guards split up and shoot at the unknown creature, and it dies. Dropping a solid teardrop.
King Alexander: What is this? The creature dropped its tears. It's magnificent! Stark, begin researching the Nether's resources, and my army will build a fortress.
Stark: Yes, your majesty.
Alexander and his men are planning what blocks to use to prevent the mysterious creature from spitting fireballs. Then Stark had an idea.
Stark: I had an idea!
King Alexander: What is it, Stark? Did you experiment with new things? Did you create a new block?
Stark: Slow down, your majesty. I have created a block that is very resistant to fireball attacks. The raw material is very weak, but when you burn it and shape it into a brick, It becomes blast-proof and much more than cobblestone.
King Alexander: I knew that you'd experiment and create new things!
They began using the new block that Stark had made. They named the new block "The Nether Brick." After many hours of painstakingly building the fortress, they finally finished it.
Kris: We did it! We have built the fortress!
King Alexander: We should settle down for a bit. After all, our hard work has paid off.
Stark: Your majesty, I should go back to the surface. I'll bring my equipment and build a lab here.
King Alexander: Anyone can get in or out of the portal without my permission, Stark. You can go.
Stark: Thank you, your majesty.
Kris: Father, should I bring my colleagues and venture out here?
King Alexander: Yes, but be prepared, son, when you're out of the fortress.
Stark went back to the surface to get his equipment. Kris also goes to the surface to bring his colleagues on an adventure in the Nether. They both entered the portal and were brought to the surface.

To be continued.

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