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The base wasn't what I expected

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The base wasn't what I expected.

We soared through the sky boldly.
We've gone a far distance from the field and cave. The question is, how long can Opal fly before she gets tired.
I know it varies with every dragon.

It felt like we owned the whole word.
The cold air hitting my skin, making me regret not bringing two coats.

My eyes took in my new home for the next two years...

Home. I miss home. My mothers homemade chicken gumbo wafting through the house.
The smell of her sweet bread in the morning.
I miss mum.

It hasn't even been a full 5 hours of the rest of my life.
I'm done with it.

Riding Opal has given me the sharpest pain up my back.
How far out is this base?
It felt like it was over an hour of flying to reach it.
I've held myself to Valent the whole time to gain heat.
Most definitely wasn't because I was scared of falling. Nor was it because I liked the way he smelled of warm sandalwood.

The base grabbing my attention again I lean over slightly.

The largest building sat in the middle with two smaller buildings to its side.

Sparring/training grounds in the center, had people scattered about. They look like ants from here.

To the far right side was a ginourmas landing bay.
The whole place was huge.
The bay was already filled with dragons and commotion.

Everything surrounded by forest, deserted from civilization.
Hidden from others,
the base location has always been kept secret from main stream population.

No one could hear the craziness of new dragons being packed together in one area, or our screams.

Opal tips down aiming for the large landing bay looking for an open spot to safely land.
She swerved around circling.

O (There's no room. I'll land in the grass. They should have planned that we are well fed and not tiny.)

Opal speaks her voice frustrated.
My ears may have gone deaf from the sound of her wings by now.

Overall I understand her anger, I am not excited to be down there.

V (Land there.)

Valent points to a spot right next to the bay of open grass.

Valent is easier to say then Valentine. And it's sort of hot.
Is it bad I don't want to use it just to spite him.

I cannot keep being this petty.
He deseveres any and all attitde.

Opal leans over and glides us down landing swiftly I grunt.
My body moving forward into Valentines.

We had no personal space.
I really did cling onto him the whole way.
I'm not joking.
I was like glue.

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