Minor Annoyance

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Here she is in front of me. The same woman I loved and hated for ten years. Just as quickly as she disappeared, she reappeared. Both times on her own terms.

She looked just as beautiful as I remembered. Even though she paraded around in front of everyone smiling and pretending to be kind I knew how cold and calculating she truly was.

So why is it that I couldn't turn myself away from looking at her. Watching her in the arms of another man, even if it was acting irritated me to my soul. "Sir, you have your 2pm meeting with the president of Q Group. Should I reschedule?" Win's voice pulled me from my inner thoughts as I felt annoyance building up inside of me.

I took one last look at her and turned away. "No. Let's go. Work must be done."

Pulling up to Q group I managed to rearrange my thoughts. Adjusting my tie as I was escorted through the large company I prepared myself for whatever tiresome questions Wenyang would bombard me with.

Though he was the president of one of the cities largest corporations, he was also a notorious play boy and for all of the things that were annoying about him he continued to be a great friend. So much so he helped me sort my thoughts back when Harlow first left me.

Walking through the glass office door I was greeted with a "yo bro! We still on this weekend for the show?"

I rubbed my temples. I hated going to stuff like this. Reasons to party in the guise of big business meetings. Wenyang had been begging me to join him on an outing for months now and I finally agreed after he agreed that if I went just this once he'd not ask again for the rest of the year. "Yes. I didn't forget. What is the show again?"

Wenyang plopped down on the large sofa and smiled. "I actually don't know. But the ladies will be hot. Maybe we'll even get to meet a big star. We'll be in Suite I2 with a couple of the other CEO's. Don't stress the details just enjoy a night out. It's been a while since you let go." I nodded my head sitting down on the sofa across from him. "What's wrong Hao? You seem a little on edge."

I picked a spec of dust off my suit jacket. "Nothing just some minor annoyances at the hotel. Nothing I can't handle. Let's talk business that's why I'm here."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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