
           After I dropped Aria off at work, I spent the entire day working, initially on some reports for upcoming meetings, about the drug trade, the weaponry like guns, then checking in on some of the companies I own. Then I spent the second half of the day working on finding La Prossima Generazione.
           They have caused more problems lately, and Andrej has contacted us multiple times threatening me, telling me to stop and not believing when I tell him it's not me.
           Finally, I decided to go back home, assuming Aria would be there already. However, when I get to the estate, I see Alvaro there with his wife, daughter, and a bunch of people that work for him.
           "Matteo! It's good to see you!" he greets me, shaking my hand, then hugging me. I greet him the same way, then his daughter jumps into my arms.
          "Tio Matteo, it's been forever!" she says, hugging me. She's only five years old, but I met her the day she was born. Alvaro called us freaking out the day Isabel went into labor and we flew over there.
            I rarely ever see Mariposa but when I do, she is just as energetic as ever. Her and Vittoria are very good friends when they do get to see each other.
            "Not forever," I tell her making her giggle.
            "Matteo, we need a favor," Isabel says, making me look over to her and Alvaro.
            "I assumed, since I was supposed to fly to Spain tomorrow but you guys are here instead." I say, making them both nod.
            "It's small, nothing big. We arranged to go out with Alessandro and Sofia tonight, so we were wondering if you count take care of Vittoria and Mariposa for tonight." Alvaro says.
           Just then, Aless walks out of my house with Sofia and Vittoria. I put Mariposa down and she runs to Vittoria. They scream and jump and hug each other, then hold hands as the rest of us stand there talking.
            I nod, "Of course I'll take care of them. My girl should already be home or getting here soon, so it'll be both of us taking care of them," I say, making Sofia and Isabel smile.
           "Yes, perfect! Thank you!" Sofia says, then they all leave to their cars.
            I take the girls inside, then call out for Aria, but there's pure silence. It's already past 10 at night. She should be home by now.
            "Come on, let's go see if we can find your Zia," I say to Vittoria. She nods and they both follow me to the elevator.
             "Who?" Ask's Mariposa, and the entire time, Vittoria is telling her who Aria is, how she is so nice and so pretty and how she is my girlfriend. It is genuinely the cutest thing ever.
            But when we get up to the room, she is not there. The closet, the bathroom or the bedroom.
            We have each other's location so I check my phone to see hers and I see that she is in a hospital. This is not the first time she has been at a hospital, sometimes if something happens to a criminal or team member she goes in the ambulance with them.
            Just as I was about to call her, my phone starts ringing and it's her.
            The girls throw themselves on my bed and begin rolling around just as I answer the phone.
"Hey sweetheart, I was just about to call you. Are you on your way home?" I ask her.
I hear her sniffle and automatically my heart skips a beat, thinking something happened to her. "No. Can you come pick me up from the hospital, please? The one near the office." She sounds like she just finished crying.
"Of course, I'm on my way." I say to her then hang up the phone. I turn to the girls, "Come on, we have to go pick Zia up." They both turn to me and stand on the bed so I can pick them up, one in each arm.
I pick up their car seats from the foyer and take them to a security truck. I place them in and speed to the hospital. I know exactly which one she is in, it's not the first time I have picked her up from there, but she has never been crying when she has been over there.
As soon as I get over there, I take the girls out of the car and carry them in. They can run but they are very short and would not be able to keep up with me.
When I run in, I find Dr. Moretti already in there. Which is weird because I never called him over here to treat Aria. I didn't even know she was in here.
"Matteo," he stops me when I go in with a hand right in front of me. "She is in that room over there." he points to a room all the way down the hall, "She was brought in an ambulance, I was doing a shift here and she came in. I easily recognized her and took responsibility. She has a sprained ankle, and with a small blood sample we found out that she has anemia. She will be completely okay, she needs to start taking some medication for the iron deficiency and the pain, her ankle will be healed in about three to six weeks and she will be on crutches for the first maybe three weeks." he explains to me, making me calm down a little bit, but I still rushed over to her room. I needed to see her, actually face to face and know she was okay.
Walking into her room, her boss, Annachiara, and her coworker Ermes were in there with her. When I walked in with the girls, they simply nodded at me in acknowledgment, then walked out. I went over to her, placing the girls on the bed, then leaning down to kiss her. "Hey honey," she mumbled, then kissed me back.
Vittoria went and snuggled up next to her. Mariposa very adorably introduced herself to Aria and did the same as Vittoria. "She's Isabel and Alvaro's daughter," I say and she nods, holding both of the girls to her sides. "Melodia, what happened to you?" I ask her softly, sitting by her side.
"Work accident. I'll tell you later," she says, looking at the girls. Considering her other work experiences that I am aware of, I decide that it might be best for the girls to not hear it.
Dr. Moretti comes back in with papers and a bag in hand. "She's good to go. Make sure to rest your foot, ice it, and try to walk on it. If you feel too much pain, keep using the crutches, and here are your pills. I will make a reminder to check on you at the estate in three weeks for your foot and in three months for your iron levels. Have a goodnight." he says before walking out.
I take the girls again and put them on the couch so I can help Aria get up. Once she gets settled on her crutches, I pick up the girls and we walk to the car. Getting us all situated into the car was a struggle on its own but we got there eventually.
Getting home, the girls already fell asleep as it was very late. I carried them both upstairs and to the guest room closest to Aria and I's bedroom. Then I went back to the car, carrying Aria up to our room, her crutches dangling off of my hand as I tried to carry them my the very top as I was also carrying her in my arms.
I put her into bed, then changed into some more comfortable clothes before getting into bed with her.

Good Cop Gone Bad ~ RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now