34| fights

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•Aria Marino•

My life feels unreal. Like I've been living in another world for a while now and I haven't been able to go back to the one I came from.
           It feels like a dream, but the world that I'm sleeping in is a nightmare. Being taught that I am undeserving of everything that I have can apparently change my entire perspective of these things. Especially when everyone is so nice to me. My sister, the kindest human I know, even if she makes me want to fight her sometimes.
           Her girlfriend, so freaking sweet. They are like polar opposites but are the cutest couple ever. My boyfriends parents, the most accepting human beings, basically the parents I never had. My boyfriends brother and his wife, so nice and welcoming with the cutest daughter. Lia Emma, their sister, who is chaotic, but nice and so fun to be with.
           Then there is the boyfriend himself. Matteo Emilio Rossi. The sweetest human being ever, always takes care of me, celebrates every little milestone with us, and the people closest to him telling me that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. It's weird and crazy and amazing and almost too good to be true.
Every morning is so relaxing with him, so calm. Even right now my head on his chest, everything so calm and quiet that I can hear his heartbeat and I can feel every little movement of his hands on my back. I try to enjoy these moments while they last but my thoughts like to wander constantly.
He takes a deep breath, his hand going higher on my back before he says, "What is wrong, melodia?"
I scoff, since there is no way that he can just tell. "Nothing. Why do you think something is wrong?" I ask him.
"You started taping with your finger over five minutes ago. Don't think I don't notice the things you do when you overthink, sweetheart." His laugh was soft and comforting and made me want to melt into him. But he was right. He noticed everything, sometimes even things I had never noticed about myself before.
           "It's nothing really. Nothing important at least. Just thinking." I reply, looking over to my phone on the bedside table for the time. " And you said you needed to be out of bed by 7, but it's currently 7:30."
           He groans, "You make me want to spend all day in bed with you." he says then places a kiss on my forehead.
         "You make me sound like a bad influence," I say, making him laugh.
         "Bad influences are for the young growing people, melodia, I on the other hand run the company, so really if I decided to stay home it would just make everyone that works for me a little happier." He explains, trying to give himself a reason to stay home.
          "I have plans with Sofia and Lia today anyways." I tell him, making him groan once more.
           He picks me up off of the bed as he gets up, then turns around, throwing me back on it again. I laugh loudly as my body lands harshly on the mattress once more. He looks down at me, a wide smile on his face.
          He leans down, pressing one deep kiss to my lips as I let my hands snake around his neck, my fingers making their way to his hair. "You are going to be the death of me, melodia." he says softly, his green eyes never leaving mine.
           "Go get ready for work," I laugh out, making him stand up straight.
           "Fine." he huffs out, walking away and into the bathroom.
           This room is another thing that makes me question what Matteo's company does. His room is absolutely insane. It's probably the most expensive room I have ever been in, and the bathroom matches the level of the bedroom. This whole house is absolutely fucking crazy. I just don't understand it. Random guards also just pop out of nowhere sometimes and I wonder if they're all hidden in some random room or just wander the property like that.
          Anyways, I stood up and made my way downstairs and to the kitchen. I made Matteo his coffee, the same way he likes it every morning, and made him some pancakes with eggs, also cut up some fruit that I found and know he likes and served it on a plate.
            I brought out the plate to the dining room just as he was coming downstairs. He walked in wearing a suit, looking so nice. His work voice and mannerisms are unnecessarily attractive, and that outfit will be the death of me.
           "Here you go," I said, placing the plate down at a random place setting on the table.
           He sat down in front of it, smiling at me. I sat down next to him and he leaned over for a kiss. "Thank you, sweetheart," he mumbled, beginning to eat as I just tried to enjoy this morning before he had to go and I had to start getting ready.
           I sat with him while he ate breakfast, we talked  and laughed until he had to leave, then I went back upstairs to get ready.
         By the time I was ready, Sofia and Lia were already waiting for me, so I went downstairs where they were waiting for me in the car, the driver opened the door for me and we were off to go shopping.
         "I've been seeing the posts about you, Aria. You're a bigger deal than I was when Aless and I got married." Sofia says, looking over to me as we walked around the store which oddly enough there was no one else in. It's already 9 am on a Sunday, which is a bit early for some but people surely do love shopping.
         "I stay off of Instagram or any social media really, mostly protection for my job but also I would rather not have my face plastered everywhere." I tell them, looking at a very cute dress that is very out of my price range.
         Lia sighs, "Aria, Matteo is a big deal here in Italy. This whole family is for whatever reason that may be. So getting involved with him is a very big commitment. He is the front man and as his girlfriend you will also be shown a lot." she says, her voice gentle and almost comforting.
         I hear footsteps getting near and Sofia goes up to the woman approaching us. "Zia Amato! Come stai?" she asks the woman excitedly, then leads her over to me. "Zia, Questa è la ragazza di Matteo. Aria." she introduces me, and I reach out to shake her hand however instead of taking my hand, she bows to me. Which I found very weird. No one has ever done that before. (How are you? - This is Matteo's girlfriend.)
           "Ho sentito parlare molto di te. Quel giovane è molto fortunato ad averti." she tells me, making me smile at her. (I have heard much about you. That young man is very lucky to have you.)
           "Grazie," I tell her softly, with a smile which she returns politely, then Sofia gets my attention.
          "Zia Amato is our sales associate when we go shopping. The Amato family are some of our most respected business partners." Sofia says to me.
"Yes, and this whole store is free range for you ladies. I have put your guard at the front as this store has been shut down for you three." Zia says, making my brain almost shut down for a second.
"Grazie, Zia. You know I love my privacy. Now, can we ask the manager if they have this dress in my size? And what colors they have? They have all my sizes on file so it shouldn't be too hard of a search." Lia says, making Zia walk over to her right away. She takes her phone out, takes a picture of the dress, then begins to walk away.
"I will be back as soon as I can be. Have fun, girls!" she says, walking away. The guards stay in very close proximity to us as we walk around the store.
A lot of things in here are desire able, however also very much out of my price range so I just stick around with Sofia as she does her shopping, until she notices that I am not getting anything.
"Why haven't you picked anything out? You know you don't have to carry anything, right? Just tell Zia and one of the managers will get it for you or the guards can carry it." She says, almost frantically as she grabs my arms in her hands.
"Sofia you and I have very different amounts of money." I tell her, laughing a bit however being completely serious. These aren't my kinds of stores at all.
Lia sighs next to me, "Sofia, you didn't tell her that they have the credit cards on file?" she asks.
"I thought she would know," she replies, making me so very confused as to what they are talking about.
Lia sighs exhaustedly then looks at me, "Aria they have the credit cards already on file for whenever we are here. Matteo's as well. You have plenty of money to spend."
"That is my boyfriend's money not mine," I tell her as I have told her before and I have told Matteo before as well.
"The money he has encouraged you to spend many times before," Lia reminds me, making me laugh.
"Seriously you guys it's okay. I wasn't planning on buying anything anyways. We can walk around the other shops as soon as you guys are done here. I promise it's fine." I reassured both of them, smiling at them as they looked at each other for a few seconds before nodding at me.
          Another half hour passed and we finally left that shop, walking around all of the other available places around. Until we passed a small flower shop, where I decided to go in to get some white roses for Matteo to put in his office. His office lacks decoration but it has these beautiful large windows and gets a lot of natural light, so I want to start slowly pushing decor in, starting with the roses.
Then I hear a voice, "Mrs. Rossi!" I hear them almost gasp with excitement. I look around to find Sofia, assuming they are speaking to her. Then I realize she is not here, and remember that she has not changed her last name from DeLuca.
The woman is staring right at me when I manage to find her. "Me?" I ask her, pointing to myself as I look at her in confusion.
She nods frantically, smiling. "You are Matteo's wife, sì?" she asks, walking up to me as I try looking down at the array of white roses.
"Oh no, we are not married," I clarify with a small chuckle, making her shake her head.
"Oh but you will be. Now what can I help you with?" she asks sweetly with a smile. I smile back then turn to face the roses once more. He once told me roses were his favorite, and I feel that white would match his office environment.
I point to the white roses that have a bit of baby's breath flowers mixed in with them. "I want to get some for him to put in his office," I tell her, picking up the bouquet as she leads me to the front of the store.
She smiles at the flowers then at me, "Lovely choice, dear," she says, taking them from me. "Now, would you like to pay with his card? It's already on file." she says.
"No, thank you. Gosh he has his card on file everywhere." I tell her almost jokingly, with a little chuckle but she nods.
"Dear, he owns this property, it would be a bit weird if he did his shopping elsewhere." She explains to me with a laugh. Of course he freaking does. Why am I not surprised anymore.
After paying for the flowers, I leave the shop, thanking her, then going to find Sofia.
"Are you ready to go?" she asks me when I find her and I answer her with a simple nod and we head towards the car, the guards and driver following behind us to open the doors.
It's past midday at this point so Matteo and Aless should be back home for lunch. And when we get there, I ask one of the maids, "Dov'è Matteo?"
"Al piano superiore nel suo ufficio, signorina," she replied kindly, pointing up the stairs, making me smile and nod. Perfect. And all of the maids here are so nice.
I make my way up the stairs to the second floor and to his office, knocking on the door before hearing a very frustrated sounding, "Come in," from Alessandro.
When I do open the door, I see multiple men standing around Matteo's desk and in the desk a very angry and frustrated looking Matteo. When they all see me, a few of them sigh, some let out deep breaths and then I hear his voice.
"Come here, melodia. The rest of you, get out!" he says, making them all go around me and towards the door, shutting it behind them.
"What's wrong?" I ask him, placing the flowers down on the desk before going to him, sitting on his lap and embracing him in a hug.
He sighs, running his hand up and down my back. "Just work stuff. Nothing very important. Did you have fun going out?" he asks me, placing a kiss on my cheek.
I nod softly against him, then gesture to the flowers that I had placed in a vase. The lady at the shop had already cut the ends for me the way they are meant to be cut so my job was easy. "I got you some flowers for in here, I thought they would look nice," I say softly.
"They look beautiful, sweetheart, thank you," he says, placing another kiss on the same spot. I smile and kiss him before leaning my head on his shoulder.
          "Do you want to go eat?" I ask him.
          "Yes, we should go. Especially since the kitchen staff informed me that you did not eat breakfast before you left." he says in an accusing tone, making me giggle. I know he isn't being serious with the tone but I also know he always likes to make sure I eat in the mornings.
           I shrug, "I just wasn't really hungry. But Sofia told me that they're making fusilli with pesto and that sounds really good right now." I say in an exaggerated tone, making him laugh.
          "Then let's get downstairs," he says, a small chuckle in his voice as he picks me up and starts to head downstairs.

Good Cop Gone Bad ~ Rewrittenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن