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•Aria Marino•

"Aria, come on!" Sofia called me to her room so we could start getting ready.
We spent the entire morning walking around the city, eating, shopping, admiring the city. It so a very beautiful place and I am so glad I could come here even if it is just for one day.
Matteo bought me a diamond necklace while I was with Sofia, and I didn't ask him how much is costs because I don't want to start sobbing uncontrollably while I realize I can only wear it once at this event - it is so pretty that I am switching it out for the original necklace - and then I have to lock it away forever so that I don't damage it somehow.
Anyways, I took my bag to Sofia's room and she lead me to the restroom to start with our makeup. However when I walk in, there is an entire group of people waiting for us, with chairs, mirrors with lights, and already plugged in straightening irons.
           "Come here." Sofia says, sitting me down in a chair next to hers. "Zia Aurora, this is Matteo's girlfriend, Aria." She says to the woman standing behind me with a straightening iron. Then she turns to me, "Aria this is not technically our Zia but we call her that. She owns a bakery in Italy and one here in France."
"Yes and when I heard you were coming to France I had an excuse to come see you all. And meet the girl I have sadly not heard much about. So I told Matteo to not book a hair stylist, I would do it." she says happily, a wide smile on her face. "I was here in France checking in on this bakery so it worked out anyways."
The entire time we are getting ready, she is so incredibly sweet and respectful. So compliments me every two seconds it feels like, and I understand why they call her Zia. It's so easy being around her, so comfortable. It's like how someone is supposed to feel around family, familial and happy.
Now, I am putting the last touches on. The lipstick, which the also kind makeup artist suggested should be red since she thinks it will look good on me. The rings which I have had since I was maybe a teenager and am still obsessed with. And finally, the necklace Matteo bought me today.
           Just then, Matteo walks in with his eyes covered by his hand. "Sweetheart, what color is your dress?" he asks me.
           "Why are you covering your eyes?" I ask him.
           "Because you said I can't see it yet but I want to match something of mine to your dress." he explains, making me smile widely. He's so cute.
           "It's red." I tell him and he nods, backing out of the room and closing the door. I can feel my cheeks burning.
I look over to Sofia and sigh, "I don't know if I should wear it. What it something happens to it?" I ask her about the necklace, genuinely worried. I am not used to receiving gifts from people, especially extravagant ones. My parents would never give me any, and every piece of jewelry I own, I bought it myself with the money that I worked for, ever since I was a teenager.
Sofia looks at me confused, "Ria, it's literally fine. If anything happens, he will not be mad at you at all. He will probably just buy you another one. He told me himself it was only like 20,000 euros, that is probably some of the cheapest jewelry he has ever bought, but it was the only pretty one he found, it will be okay if something happens, which probably nothing will. And think about how excited he will be when he sees you wearing the stuff he buys you!" she says. My heart almost stopped. There is no way that I was just gifted a 20,000 euro necklace.
That's more than what I make in like 2 months, almost 3. It would take me almost three fucking months of my life to make back what this necklace costs. "There is no fucking way I am wearing 20,000 euros right now." I tell her.
"Oh, Aria. Trust me, by the time you guys get married, you will be used to receiving these gifts, and they will be way more extravagant than that one." she replies dismissively as if she didn't just tell me that I should simply get used to receiving everything, and as if she didn't just predict me and Matteo's future like that. She just says it like nothing, and it freaks me out.
"Grazie, Zia." she says to Zia Aurora before we walk out of the room. She walks down the hallway the opposite way of the stairs, then groans, turning back around. "I forgot this house doesn't have an elevator." she sighs. I laugh at her reaction and she groans, "I probably sound like some rich brat right now. It's just a habit." I chuckle once again and hug her as we reach the staircase.
We reach downstairs to find Matteo and Aless already waiting for us. I feel like I only ever see Matteo out of a suit when we are staying the night together. He is always in a suit, and even though I think it is probably not comfortable for him at all, I can't help but deny he looks so goddamn good in them.
They turn to face us as we go down the steps in sync, Matteo's eyes staying on mine as we head downstairs. When I get to him, his smile is wide and he reaches for me, pulling me in. "You look absolutely fucking stunning, sweetheart." he says softly, pressing a kiss to my forehead. If I was not wearing makeup, he would be able to see my cheeks pink as hell.
"Thank you," I say, pressing a kiss to his cheek. It left a bright red kiss mark on his cheek. My eyebrows furrow before I say, "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me go get something to wipe it off." I start to walk away towards the kitchen to get a napkin, but he stops me by grabbing my wrist.
           "No, melodia. Leave it." he says softly, so I nod, confused, but walk back to him. We leave the house and there is already a limo waiting for us with a driver. "Stay near me tonight, okay?" he asks and I nod. We all get in and it takes us about fifteen minutes to get to the venue.
           Before we get out of the car, there is another couple entering, cameras flashing and people screaming on either side or the carpeted entrance. We stop right in front of the carpet and Matteo gets out first. The screaming and flashing continues, I hear people screaming questions in Italian, French, English, and more.
          Then one stands out, "È un segno di bacio? Qualcuno gli ha dato un segno di bacio! Lui è con qualcuno!" They scream. The questions continue and the cameras flash as he grabs my hand, putting the other one in the top of the car so I don't hit my head. (Is it a sign of a kiss? Someone gave him a kiss sign! He is with someone!)
           I simply smile as the cameras all point to Matteo and I, then some turning to Aless and Sofia behind us. "Lei è la tua ragazza?" Someone asks, pushing a microphone in front of Matteo's face. (Is she your girlfriend?)
           "Sì, è mia." he says, trying to avoid answering anymore questions and ignore them all. We go in and I see the beautiful venue. A white and gold theme, beautiful chandeliers, equally lovely tables, a dance floor, and people already mingling amongst each other. (Yes, she is mine.)
           Sofia already explained some of it to me. Right now is cocktail hour, we have a drink or two, we talk, hors d'oeuvres are passed around, and then it is time for dinner. After dinner, people dance, enjoy themselves.
           There is a photographer here, zero people I recognize, and some calm music is being played by a string quartet. Matteo got me some champagne, and himself some whiskey.
We walked around for a few minutes before he turned to me, "Melodia, these are my friends and business partners from Spain who have been asking to meet you. Alvaro and his wife Isabel." he says as we approach an almost equally as tall as Matteo man and an absolutely drop dead gorgeous woman.
"Mucho gusto," Isabel says to me, shaking my hand. I smile in return, but before I can introduce myself, she continues, "So you are the Aria I have heard so much about?" she asks.
"Sí, pero no sabia que hablaban tanto de mi." I joke in Spanish and she laughs. Every time I meet someone new - except for Zia - they have told me that they have heard a lot about me. I know they are all very nice and professional, coming from money, so I don't know if they just say it to be nice or because they have genuinely heard a lot about me. And if they did, what was it? (Yes, but I did not know that they spoke so much about me.)
"Solo no lo puedo creer. Matteo era de los tipos que no son de emoción y que no van a tener novia y no tienen tiempo para eso porque tienen el trabajo, pero sabes que," he pauses, "Tu lo cambiasteis. Todavía ahorita hacia nosotros es cabrón, pero solo te mencionamos y ya puede sonreír." he says. (I just can't believe it. Matteo was one of those guys who are not of emotion and who are not going to have a girlfriend and they don't have time for that because they have the job, but you know what - pause - you changed it. He's still a bastard right now, but we only mentioned you and he can smile now.)
I chuckle and look over to Matteo, who is looking at us very confused. "Interessante," I say, looking at him skeptically. "Non sai cosa abbiamo detto?" I ask him. He shakes his head, looking even more confused now. "Good." He looks at me in disbelief. (Interesting. You don't know what we said?)
"Hey that's not fair," he whines, tugging me closer to him.
"Oh and what have you been telling all of your friends about me?" I ask teasingly with a wink. He chuckles, shaking his head at me.
           "Only how amazing you are," he begins, making me roll my eyes at him. He laughs, leaning down to kiss my forehead. Oh my god, this man. This man is something. He's so much. I don't know how to describe it, he is so good to me, and good in general. He's so fucking sweet, so caring, he likes being with me, he likes praising me, and now he is showing me off to all of his friends, talking about me to them.
And my sister likes being a stalker so she found out about the many charities his company supports, how many companies he owns, how many donations he has made, how many lives he changes. He is an amazing man.
It makes me feel bad for thinking that he is hiding anything. It is most likely just business things that I should not be overthinking. However it is odd how rich they are. Like unnecessarily rich.
"Hello? Did you two just forget we were here?" Alvaro asks us teasingly. We look over to him and see him smirking widely, Isabel at his side laughing slightly.
I shake my head and laugh as Aless walks up to us with Sofia. "Do you guys thing I would be an idiot-"
"I don't think you would be one, I think you already are one. But why do you ask?" Matteo interrupts him, glaring over at him.
Aless rolls his eyes and flips Matteo off. "You didn't even let me finish, asshole." he says harshly.
"That's what she said." Alvaro chimes in, making me and Isabel groan while Sofia is silently laughing next to her husband who is glaring at Matteo and Alvaro. Matteo is also holding I glare but I could tell he was holding back a laugh.
Alvaro was not holding it back and was laughing alongside Sofia while his wife glares at him for laughing.
"Anyways," Aless says harshly, trying to redirect the conversation. "I meant would I be an idiot if I beat the crap out of the man who flirted with my pregnant wife." he says.
"Not at all. That might be the smartest decision you have ever made." Matteo says.
"Violence is always the answer in moments like these." Alvaro chimes in.
"I support it." I tell him, making him turn to me with his eyebrows furrowed.
Him and Sofia look at me the same before he says, "Aria you work for Interpol, you should never support violence."
I roll my eyes at him, switching my purse from one hand to the other. "Interpol and every other government agency in the world is just fighting violence with violence. It's an equivalent of fighting fire with fire, it's stupid." I tell them. Most stare at me in disbelief, even confusion.
           "You know, she has a point." Sofia says, looking around the group skeptically. I laughed, but then nodded.
Before I could respond, my phone began ringing in my small purse. My eyebrows furrowed as I pulled it out to see it was my Zia Bianca. Probably the only Zia I like since she is actually nice and supportive.
           I show Matteo my phone and he nods, so we walk away from the group since he asked me to stay with him. It was good for me since I don't know anyone and I would not feel safe alone.
          I answered the phone, "Ciao, Zia. Come Stai?" I ask her, but am ignored with the chaotic noises going on in the background of what I believe is my Zia's house. There is a lot of noise. (Hello, aunt. How are you?)
           I heard her voice frantically. "Aria, tesoro, sei al telegiornale. Perché sei al telegiornale?" she practically yelled, and I heard my Cugina Aurora saying something in the back as my Zia told her to get her phone out. What the hell is going on? (Aria, honey, you are on the news. Why are you on the news?)
           "Di cosa stai parlando?" I ask her frantically as I was very confused. Why the fuck would I be on the news? They probably just found someone who looks like me and freaked out. (What are you talking about?)
"Guarda cosa ti ha mandato Aurora." She tells me, making me groan. Just then, my phone rings with a text message from my cousin. I stayed on the phone while I opened the message from the notification. (Look at what Aurora sent you.)
          Matteo looked at me confused, but I had no answers for him. I was just as confused as he was. But when I opened the message, the questions were answered. My cousin had sent me pictures of me on an Italian news channel, entering the event, videos even of our limo getting there and us getting out of the car, when everyone was yelling about Matteo's kiss mark. Then, the last video of when the reporter asked him if we were in a relationship, and he answered "Yes, she is mine."
          It made me want to smile but I held it back successfully. I sighed, bringing the phone back to my ear. "Tornerò in Italia domani. Posso venire a trovarti dopo il lavoro?" I asked her, hoping she would drop the conversation right now and let me tell her tomorrow. (I will be back in Italy tomorrow. Can I come visit you after work?)
          "Sì, Aria. Ci vediamo domani." she says, making me sigh and she hangs up the phone. I hate news reporters now more than I did before. From being so nosey in our cases, now I am for some reason on the news in Italy? The event isn't even in freaking Italy. And all because my boyfriend is rich or something, like whatever. Who really cares that much? Well probably a lot of people, but why would they want to be so invested in his personal life? (Yes, Aria. I will see you tomorrow.)
        "My zia is just freaking out because we are apparently on the news and right now." I tell him, making him laugh. "She had my cousin send me all these videos and pictures of their TV."
"Just know that after this, at least one news outlet will ask for an interview with you and me." he says, calming down the laugh and grabbing me by the waist to pull me back to the group.
"Why do they want to know these things about us?" I ask him.
He sighs, laughing, "Nosey people with nothing else to do with their time." he whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes at the explanation and he leans down to kiss my lips, but I pull back. "What is wrong?" he asks me with a frown.
         "I don't like kissing you after you drink whiskey, I don't like the taste." I explain quietly. He frowns and resorts to kissing my cheek. He still has my kiss mark on his cheek.
I really don't like the taste of whiskey. I want to kiss him but I don't know if I want to gag afterwards.
We head back to the group just as dinner starts, so we head to a table. This event is weird to me because they actually have a menu to pick out of instead of just something they serve to everyone. The waiters come around to each table with a notepad in hand.
I hate ordering food. It's not even social anxiety or anything, I don't think, but the concept of talking to someone, a complete stranger who asks you what you want to eat, then their reaction of your response, which although is usually dismissive or positive, there is always one person who judges silently. It never makes me want to cry, it makes me want to punch them in the face because why the fuck does what I want to eat create such a problem in their minds. It is never that serious.
Everyone orders, but when it gets to Matteo, he looks over and asks, "What did you say you wanted?". I tell him and he nods, looking over to the waiter and repeating what I just said, ordering my food for me. So sweet.
           Dinner goes by quickly and my food is thankfully delicious. Afterwards, Matteo pulls me to the dance floor with him .
           "Have you liked everything so far?" he asks me.
           I nod softly, "I mean, I don't usually enjoy parties or events with people I don't know, but this one was okay. And your friends are nice." I tell him. He smiles at me and nods. "Why are you so sweet?" I ask, chuckling almost as if I was joking but it was a serious question.
          He laughs, "I like making you feel special, melodia. You are special to me, and you deserve to be happy, no matter what happiness looks like to you." he says softly, then spinning me as the music continues. We're dancing holding hands on one side, and on the other, his hand is on my waist while mine is on his shoulder.
            He's so impossibly unrealistic. How did I go from accepting my fate of possibly never being happy in a relationship to just now when I want to give romance a chance, I find this freaking guy who just is perfect and cares about me and likes me and actually wants me to be happy. It's all too soon and possibly too good to be true.
          "Stop, you'll make me cry," I say in a joking tone but I was being fully serious. Even if I didn't want to cry, I was too emotional. He laughed, holding me to him in a protective manner, but still gentle and I still had my own space. "What if that means I adopt 20 cats?" I ask him.
"We can dedicate a few rooms in the house to them. The rooms are empty anyways." he replied dismissively. I scoffed there is no way he is being serious.
I sigh, trying to think of something else to say. "What if that means we just have a shit ton of kids, and move to the middle of nowhere?" I ask, fully joking and skeptical. Except for having kids. I've always wanted kids, however I am always nervous as to whether or not I would be a good mother.
"I'll buy another house and you stop taking birth control." he replies right away. This is impossible.
I laughed and we continued dancing as we were, completely unbothered. Maybe right now it is too good to be true but I want to enjoy it. Live in the happiness before I want to destroy it because I know if I don't, it will destroy itself.


happy almost new years 🥳
me & aria's birthday that day too (yes i made aria's birthday the same as mine. it was my first book 😭)

anyways bye bye

~ elle 🌸

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