˗ˏˋ30: Wylie'ˎ˗

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Trigger warning: talk of suicide

With everything going on, it's been making me think. Making me realize, I'm on the same path as a few of my friends. For the longest time, I had thought something was wrong with me. But, maybe not.

Instead of continuing to worry about myself, I took some action and researched all of my feelings. I know what you're thinking, and yeah, don't always google your problems. But this one I needed to.

It gave me my answer.

"Uncle Tiergan?" I walked into the living room, looking for my uncle/legal guardian

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"Uncle Tiergan?" I walked into the living room, looking for my uncle/legal guardian.

After my dad got arrested (framed) for selling drugs, my mom and I moved in with my dad's best friend, Tiergan. I had grown up with him as my second dad, so it wasn't a bad change in that aspect. Until my mom killed herself.

I was ten.

We found her on the driveway while I was leaving to go to school. She had jumped off the roof. It was the worst day of my life.

I loved my dad very much, but my mom was my favorite. She was a stay at home mostly, except she'd have a booth set up at craft fairs and farmers markets to sell bows and hair accessories she made. Even with that, she was always with me. I spent most of my time with her. My favorite times of the day were when she'd drive me to or from school and we'd be in the car, talking or singing at the top of our lungs. I talked to her about everything.

Dad was at work most of the day. He loved his job as a surgeon, but it had long hours. It was usually just mom and I. I was used to dad being gone, not mom.

And mom was gone forever, dad was just in a different place.

Tiergan and I had told my dad the news, and all my dad did was ask Tiergan to adopt me, take care of me while he couldn't. I've been living with him since. In all honesty, it was pretty great.

All I wanted was my parents.

Tiergan didn't give me a curfew or many rules, I just had to help out with chores and get my schoolwork done.

I would go to bed at noon, never go out with friends, do all the chores, all if I could have both my parents with me.

"Yeah?" He responded, looking up from his newspaper to actually look at me. "Are you okay, you look a little pale?"

My throat closed, drying fast. All I did was nod, sitting down next to him.

"I have something I want to talk to you about." He looked even more concerned, but just nodded and signaled for me to continue. "I think I'm aromantic." No reaction. I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. Deep breaths. Keep going. "A few of my friends recently came out as LGBTQ+, and it got me thinking about myself. All my life I've thought I was crazy because I've never once had an actual crush. I'm just not interested in anyone that way, at all. I don't think I can romantically love anyone, and frankly, I'm okay with that."

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