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When we got home I showed them their snack and then sat at my normal spot.

"Okay. You eat your snacks I'll tell you something special. We are going to move." I tell them. Both of them stop mid chew and stare at me.

"Why?" Grace asks.

"Well our pack thinks that we can help another pack so we're going to go join their pack and get a whole new house and yard. We'll get a whole new bunch of friends to know. You'll still be in the same school. You'll just get a new ride from somewhere else. It's going to be lots of fun."

"I get to take all my toys and be with you and sissy right?" My son asks.


"Okay then. Can I have more pizza?" I serve him more and wait for Grace to speak.

"I don't mind moving or having a new pack as long as you aren't being forced to mate any of them." She says glaring at Andy.

"No. They have the same rules about Omega's but it'll just be us three, just like normal."

"Alright." She says but I can see she's not happy and she does not trust Andy at all. I was certain we'd encounter problems and arguments as we packed, moved, then unpacked. For the evening I tried to keep the routine. As I'm tucking Grace in for bed she's frowning at me.

"Our pack doesn't really bother you anymore. This new pack, they'll like you because you are all fresh and new. They'll want to spend time with you and that means they'll want to have sex with you. I don't like it." I sighed.

"Where did you hear about sex and Omega's?"

"The older boys. They aren't very careful about checking where the little kids are. They say all kinds of things about the Omega's. They were talking about you once. They said that they heard you were a," She screwed her face up and tipped her head like she was trying to remember the exact wordage, "little weak but a great lay. I'm not stupid I know what that means. Does that man out there want to have sex with you? He better not I might be little but I can still hit where the sun don't shine. He won't be up to anything then." I had to work hard to suppress the laughter running around my insides. Laughter wouldn't help her to understand this was a serious matter.

"No, he really is just a friend. As for the new pack I don't know what they'll be like. If you know about this kind of thing then you know that it is part of being an Omega. It's alright that you don't like it. I'm your papa, I know you want me to be safe. It's part of who you are to want to protect me. I don't think they'll want to hurt me any. Having sex can be a wonderful thing."

"What if you have a baby?"

"That would be wonderful. Family is special. You love your brother, would you not want another sibling?"

"I wouldn't mind. I just don't think they'll help you like our pack does."

"Why would you think that?" She shrugs. "I don't really know the new pack. I think we should give them the benefit of the doubt. Will you give them a chance?"

"Okay. What if they aren't a nice pack?"

"I think if it was very bad the pack we have now would take us back. Try not to worry." She nods. I give her a kiss, tuck her in, and leave her to try and sleep. Per my normal nightly routine I go out and pour a glass of wine. It's not until I head around to check the locks and windows that I see Andy at the back door in the laundry room. He's leaning on the wall and looking out of the door window.

"Everything okay?" I ask him. He gives me a head tilt beckoning me over and pointing out the back window. Looking out I see a stray dog with three pups digging through my compost pile. She was picking out food pieces. "How long have they been there?"

Devon's Decision'sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora