Chapter Four

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The clock struck midnight and I couldn't sleep because of three snoring people. I stood up and looked at the dining room, only to find a ghost that didn't look friendly. I jumped as Ben stood beside me and the ghost called out our names, "Ben...Carmella. Sorry to be so familiar. I just feel I know you two already. You see, we all have some friends in common." Ben whispered, "Alyssa?" I looked at the ghost who vanished and a woman walked down the hall. 

Ben walked after and I followed, "Ben, this doesn't look good. Please just think about this." Ben and I walked outside and a ghost in front of us looked at us, "I wouldn't go in there...unless you want a ticket to the Region Beyond!" I grabbed Ben's arm, "Don't fall for it, Ben. It's not her, that man is tricking you!" Ben shoved my arm off and ran after what he thought was his deceased wife. Three ghosts looked at me and they said all at once, "Mistress Gracey. Great-granddaughter of Master Gracey. You are the key." 

I gasped as Ben grabbed my arms, we both stood in the middle of the hallway with everything floating around. Ben looked at me, "What the hell was that?" I gulped, "I could have sworn we were awake." Ben nodded, "I woke up after Travis shook me, but you seem to be walking around when you have yours. Sorry for shoving your hands off." I nodded, "It's okay. I don't blame you. What's happening?" Harriet sighed as she walked up to us, "Bruce is missing." I groaned, "Of course he is." 

We walked into the dining room and Ben shined his light on the organ, causing it to stop playing. Ben looked at Harriet, "Do you see anything?" Harriet shook her head, "No, but I feel something." I turned around and screamed in fright, causing Ben to grab my arms and face the same direction, only to see Bruce." Ben yelled, "Bruce, don't...What are you doing out here!?" Bruce pointed at me, "We got to find Leota! What about the attic?" The four of us walked the hallway and Harriet didn't sound happy, "I don't know about this. Attics are historically terrifying." Bruce asked, "Is it cold? It's starting to feel colder."

Harriet snapped back, "We'll you don't have any pants on, Bruce." I stopped and looked up at the attic access, "Can't you guys just shut up?" Ben took a spear and pressed the button, opening the attic and I started walking up the stairs. Ben harshly whispered, "Carmella, stop!" I heard Ben lecturing Bruce and I looked behind me to see that Ben followed me. I sighed, "I didn't need you to follow me, Ben."

Ben started looking around, "I know. I didn't want you to feel afraid by yourself." I snorted, "Is that the story you're sticking with or you just didn't want to stay to hear them argue?" Ben hesitated, "I wanted to help you." I heard something thud on the floor and I felt Ben grabbing my arm as I stood there in the middle of the floor. The attic access closed and Ben pulled me closer to him as I yelped. I looked up at Ben and he flushed, "Sorry." I pulled away and smiled, "Thank you, Ben." 

Harriet yelled to us, "Did you do that?!" Ben called back, "No, we did not!" I slowly walked towards the thudding. I whispered, "Leota, is that you?" I looked under a table and found a chest that was chained shut. I looked at Ben, "Welp. Time to get this downstairs." Ben looked behind me, "Huh?" I looked where he was staring and saw in the mirror, Ben without his head, confused I looked back at him and gasped in horror as the bride raised the axe over her head, about to hit Ben.

I launched myself over to Ben and knocked him out of the way, causing the glass of the mirror to shatter as the both of us dragged the chest over to the attic access. Ben's flashlight dropped and he lit his lighter, pulling me close to him, "Hey, listen, I'm sure those guys deserved what they got, but, baby, baby, listen, I know you can hear me, okay, babe? Ghost Bae. Can I call you Ghost Bae? But me, I'm different. I'm a supporter. I'm an ally, to you, and to all women..." The bride appeared in the mirror beside us and Ben screamed as we both fell down to the ground when the access opened up. The chest came crashing down on the floor, barely missing my head as the axe landed right in between Ben's legs as he screamed like a girl. 

Ben and I dragged the chest to the seance room and I opened it to find a ball wrapped up in cloth. I coughed at the smell and handed Ben the book as he read, "Property of Madam Leota. If this does not belong to you...Do not turn another page." Harriet snatched the book out of his hands, "Oh, my god! Oh, my god!" Ben yelled at her, "Hey, Harriet!" Harriet turned towards us as she walked over to the light, "This is Madame Leota's personal book of incantations! Oh, my god!" She started turning pages as I picked up the ball, smiling, "A crystal ball." 

Kent looked at it, "Is this worth anything?" The ball came to life and a woman looked at me, smiling as I set her on a stand. Harriet smiled, "Madame Leota?" Leota grunted, "Well, it's about time. Very powerful book you're holding. Best know how to use it." Gabbie frowned, "How did you get in there?" Leota looked at all of us, "I can show you what happened, but it will cost you....Three dollars." Bruce looked offended, "What?! That's highway robbery!" I shushed him and Leota smiled at me, "But because Mistress Gracey is here. This time will be free." 

Madame Leota vanished and showed us what happened.

"William Gracey, lost in grief, sought me out to contact his deceased wife. When she didn't come back to him, we called for her again and again. A seance every midnight, for a year." 

Harriet looked disgruntled, "For a year? That's so reckless." Madame Leota came into view, "Who said that?" 

"The repeated seances opened the floodgates of the ghost realm. Hundreds of spirits freely came and went, but never his beloved Eleanor. I was frightened for his son, Edward Gracey, and begged him to stop for fear of what we might accidentally call forth and put his son in danger. I told Gracey of his only great-granddaughter and told him to have them name her Carmella, hoping that this would give him joy. I said she would be identical to his beloved wife in values, spirit, and features. The Garden of Gracey Manor is what Eleanor Gracey was referred to due to her full name being Eleanor Carmella Gracey. But he insisted we keep going. Soon, Gracey was receiving messages from Eleanor imploring him to join her on the other side, to abandon their son. But I knew this wasn't Eleanor. We had summoned a terrible evil who fed on Gracey's grief. This was no ordinary ghost. 

He had the power to trap these once-happy souls in this house. I sent the Young Master Edward away from this house before the evil could claim him too, telling him that Carmella Gracey would be the key to setting everyone free. Before I could get a look at him..."

"His dark spirit trapped me in my own crystal ball. Who knows how long. Probably months or years now." Everyone glanced at each other and Leota continued, "He has trapped nine hundred and thirty-three souls. But he needs one thousand to complete the ritual that will let him escape this house. Beware the full moon, when he is most powerful. You won't survive it." Leota looked at Ben, "Oh, there's much grief in you. It's slowly going away but you will be most vulnerable to his manipulations."

Kent shook his head, "Not on our watch. We got you." Ben looked at him, "But what are you going to do?" I looked at Leota, "Madame Leota, my Baba. What was he like?" Leota smiled, "He would have adored you. You look exactly like his Eleanor, but you must be careful my dear. You are the one he seeks." Harriet looked at Leota's book, "We need a banishment." Leota nodded, "Yes, a banishment, but it requires an object the spirit once possessed. Once you have that..." The ghost came back, "Enough!" 

Leota gasped and hid in her ball as Harriet looked around, "We're okay. Let's find a banishing. Okay, so..." Bruce interrupted, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there have been sixty-six deaths in this house since that ball lady was trapped here! Mateo Gracey was the last one and history might repeat itself. So he doesn't have nine thirty-three. He's got nine ninety-nine. And unless one of you wants to start funeral arrangements, we better get out of here." 

Bruce sat down in a chair and the bird on top flew away, scaring everyone. Bruce took a breath, "Am I the only one who didn't know that was real!?" 

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