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Kassie POV

Today was the first night of my mom's shows at SoFi Stadium. My dad had dropped me off early to spend time with my mom since I had been at his house ever since Santa Clara. But I noticed my mom was acting weird unlike her usual self. She spent most of the time I was there looking at her phone giggling. She refused to tell me her little secret.

Later at the tent I was with my grandparents Scott and Andrea along with my Dad, Carla and my grandma Sofia who my mom had invited to every night at SoFi. I had exchanged bracelets with a lot of fans and taken pictures with them, I loved being with the fans.

"I'm going backstage to get my jacket" I tell my dad and Carla when I suddenly felt really cold

My mom was barely starting to sing You Belong With Me.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No I'll be fine thank you Carla"

I leave backstage and a security escorts me since fans can get pretty crazy.

I look for my cardigan since it's not where I left it. My mom's phone vibrates as she gets a text. I continue to look for my cardigan in one of my mom's bags and her phone vibrates again. I sigh as I reach for one of my mom's hoodie since I can't find mine and her phone vibrates again.

"Who the fuck keeps texting her?" I say to myself

Then I spot my cardigan behind a couch, it must have fallen and I drop my mom's hoodie back in her bag. As I walk over to grab it her phone vibrates once more.

"What the fuck" I say and walk over to her phone

I type in her password to see who's been texting her and see it's someone she has saved under as 'Trav 🤍'.

"Who the fuck is Trav?"

I  cringe as I read her texts where he says he's watching the concert on a live and that she looks so fucking good. I open the photo she has set for him.

"Travis Kelce? What the fuck why wouldn't she tell me she's seeing someone?" I whisper to myself

When the fuck did this happen? I specifically didn't let him backstage and I had seen a video on TikTok that all the fans kept tagging me in about his podcast and I refused to show it to my mom. I feel tears rolling down my face because I'm angry that she was hiding this from me, these months my mom had been single had been great, I had her to myself most of the time, and now a stupid boy who doesn't know how to treat her right had come along and ruined it all once again.

"That's why she's been so distant" I whisper as tears roll down my face sitting on the floor

After a few minutes I get up and go to the restroom to wash my face, I don't want to go out there and let everyone see that I've been crying, especially the fans, I don't want them taking pictures of me.

Before going back to the tent, I take a little detour and go to the private bar backstage and ask for three shots. I've never drank at a concert before because I've been scared of my mom catching me but I don't really give a fuck today. The bartender can't refuse to give me a drink because he knows who I am, and if he didn't I would show him my fake ID, I hand him 2 100 dollar bills as a tip since drinks there are free and now he really has no reason to refuse to serve me. I take the shots one after the other and head over to the tent.

"Why'd you take so long?"

"Oh um, I just don't feel very well so I stayed back a little while longer"

You Drew Stars Around my Scars - Taylor Swifts Daughter Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon