s i x t y - e i g h t

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I wait a few minutes for the phone to charge

I haven't used it in a while

I definitely hadn't picked it up after mom grounded me

I'm too scared of her right now to disobey her

But no one messes with my mom without getting payback

I had to do something

And that means pulling out my contraband phone

I'd rather mom not catch me, but if she does i wouldn't mind getting grounded an extra week for this

These people are going to get a taste of their own medicine

I log into my fake twitter account as soon as my phone turns on; the one my mom doesn't know I have

I can't long in to my personal account or my fake fan page because mom knows about them and she's probably keeping close tabs checking if I post or like anything, to find out if I kept any devices

And if she's not doing it herself, then she probably has tree keeping an eye out for any activity of me online

As soon as I open twitter I see a few people sharing links to the leaks and I report their accounts immediately.

Anyone I see sharing the leak or saying they heard it i report them and even post a screenshot with people's accounts, telling everyone to mass report them, they mess with my mom, they lose their accounts

How hard can it be to wait an extra day?

I search for leaks and filter out some of the first accounts to start sharing them and i manage to get their ip addresses

Im not as dumb as I play

I might make dumb choices, but I'm smart

I quote tweet a few people's post sharing the leaks and leak their ip address

The swifties can do with that what they will, I don't have much time

But I know the real swifties won't fail me and they follow my lead by trying to get anyone who shares or listens to the leaks banned off of the app

I hear footsteps close by, they're coming in to my room

If living with Joe and tiptoeing around him taught me one thing, it was how to recognize different people's footsteps

Living with Joe was like survival of the fittest, I had to recognize when it was him coming up the stairs to know when to lock my bedroom

I became quite good at it that I could clearly tell those were my mother's footsteps even a year later of not having to worry like that


I quickly unplug my charger and try not to make too much noise by hiding the phone and the charger into the drawer where I keep my skincare


"In the restroom, I'll be right out mom" I say and wait a few seconds before I flush the toilet and turn the water on to wash my hands so she'll believe me

"How are you feeling?"

"Better, just a little stressed out hun, but there's really nothing we can do"

"I'm sorry people are so shitty"

"Yeah me too but we can't do anything, they'll get their karma somehow, what were you doing?"

"Me? Oh uh nothing, I was about to read" I say picking up the book I had been reading downstairs that I'd placed on my bed when I came up

"You're not giving the book Travis got you a chance are you?" She chuckles

"No way, I hate her! I just told him I'd read it because i didn't want to make him feel bad"

"I don't think he minds if you tell him you don't like it" she laughs "that way he knows for next time"

"I know, but he's trying and I felt bad after I saw his expression when I told him I hated the author" I chuckle

"Youre the pathological people pleaser" she chuckles

"Well I had to have gotten it from someone" I say and mom giggles

"Do you want to do something together hun?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know we could go out to the pool and sit out in the sun for a little while, it's nice out, we can have lunch out there together"

"You can have lunch" I sigh "I have to drink a smoothie"

"Maybe if you would've listened to your mother..."

"I know" I sigh again

"We would've even been able to go in to the pool, but someone can't because of this" she says touching my jaw slightly with one of her fingers

"I know"

"Alright, I'm going to go change, I'll be right back baby"

"Okay" I say and go into my closet to pick out a swimsuit

I haven't been in the pool since probably early October when it started to get a little chilly

I pick a pink bikini I'd bought at the mall with Carla that I had only gotten to wear once

I change in the bathroom and take a Quick Look at the phone, my notifications are flooded and I even have a message from one of the people who's ip address I leaked telling me to go fuck myself but I don't answer anything, I can't take long, mom said she would be right back.

I stand in front of the mirror and I can't help but notice that the swimsuit looks different on me than when I wore it in October.

I know my body's supposed to change when I get older and that I won't always look like when I was a teenager, but it's only been a few months.

Sure, I was a few less pounds then, because of the braces, but I had never looked at myself like this, in fact I had been so desperate to gain back the weight I had lost and now that I saw myself with those pounds back in the same outfit I'd worn when I lost them, I didn't like how I looked, it has only been a few days since I got my braces again so hopefully they'll do their magic again.

I had also been more active during the summer, lately all I do I sit around, maybe tomorrow I'll wake up early and use mom's treadmill.

I hadn't felt like this in Hawaii, but then again I was still a few pounds off then

I check myself out in the mirror, criticizing every aspect of it that seems to not fit into the swimsuit as it used to

I pout as I see myself in the mirror

I've never felt like this before and it's definitely not a pleasant feeling

My mom comes in to my room, looking as gorgeous as ever, her swimsuit fits her perfectly, her body's tanner than mine, toner than mine, prettier

Why can't I look like mom?

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