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"As much as it's exactly like that" I chuckle "the book isn't ours" i say snatching it out of her hand "Travis bought it for Kas on accident, I asked him to pick some books up for her and he got her this thinking it was age appropriate"

"And you two are keeping a sex book yall bought for Kas on accident for your own good?" She chuckles

"I meant to throw it out, trust me we don't need this book" I smirk

"Oh my god what has this man done to you?" She laughs "you used to be shy about these things"

"No, I just haven't had anyone like him, but let's stop talking about my sex life before my daughter decides to come down here"

"So are you going to let her go to her friends sweet sixteen?"

"No, she's grounded"

"But think of it like this, if you couldn't make it to your best friends wedding you'd be upset, right?"


"Well that's what it's like for them, a sweet sixteen is important in a girls life, let her go"

"No, she's grounded"

"What kind of monster have you become ?"

"She should have thought about that before drinking"

"If you let her go, you'll have the entire house to yourself" she winks "you two can be as loud as you please"

I roll my eyes at her

"She's not going"

"At least let her go and go with her to supervise her"

"I can't, I'm busy that night and Samuel and Carla are leaving to a conference in Napa tomorrow afternoon, they won't be back until Sunday afternoon"

"I'll go with her"

"Yeah right" I scoff "I don't trust you with her when she's grounded"

"I'm the best aunt ever!"

"Yeah according to Kas, not me, you have a thing to lift up punishments when she's with you, that's exactly why she thinks your the best"

"I promise I won't, it's not like I would let her drink anyway"

"Yeah she's still not going but nice try" I laugh

"Hiiii!" Gigi says walking in the living "Travis opened the door for me, I brought wine"

"Hi" I say as she hugs me and she does the same with Selena "I'll bring you a glass" I say as Selena and I already have one

"So what were you guys talking about?"

"I was trying to convince her to let Kas go to her friends party but she won't budge, she's gone cold hearted"

"She's not going because she's grounded"

"Kas is grounded?" Gigi asks shocked "she's the sweetest girl ever how dare you ground her?" She scoffs

"Yeah well she hasn't exactly been so sweet lately"

"And get this, she grounded her for seven weeks" Selena tells her


"She needs to be grounded! It'll be good for her" I say and we shut up as I hear Kas coming down

"Hi Gigi!"

"Hey Kas, how are feeling? I just heard your mom turned into a monster" Gigi tells her giving me a glare and I chuckle at her

"What were you doing hun?"

"Reading, there's not much else I can do" she snarks slightly "can I have my phone back, please?!?" She groans

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