the first meeting

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Peridots pov:

For hours and hours at a time, I worked on this damn drone. I got no sleep. Hardly any food or drink. All because I was afraid to know what would happen to me.

Now its Friday. 1:06 am.


And it's NO WHERE near done.

I'm toast. I'm literally gonna get killed. I have NO time to finish! I literally am going to my execution today and there's nothing I can do about it.

I'm going to get my brain blown out my fucking skull.

I might as well go to sleep one last time before I sleep PERMANENTLY.

I put down the wires and take off my boots and flop onto my bed. I throw my visors onto the floor and close my eyes.

I wish I never went home that day.


I woke up to the same dreadful sound I would hear for the last time, I sat up and walked over to where I threw my visors and put them on. This time instead of 5 am it was 8 am, probably giveing me more time before I get slaughtered-

I picked out some clothes, got dressed, put my boots on, and went to my bathroom. Bismuth was in there washing oil of her hands

"Oh hey peridot! I heard it's your first meeting..did you finish your task?"  I was dreading telling her I didn't.
Me and Bismuth had became good friends and she even showed me around the underground work place yesterday.

"No.." was all I was able to mutter out, I was more focused on today and trying to get my hair to sit right.

"Ah..I see.." she said with a sad tone in her voice. Bismuth slowly dried her hands "if only lapis wasn't as cruel as she was. I'll miss you half shot." She hugged me and flipped my collar of my shirt the right way, then gave me a sweet smile and walked away with a tear in her eye.

It was a shame. Bismuth was the only person I talked to, other then these notes keeping me on my feet Bismuth actually talked to me, yes I had one maybe two conversations with jasper but that didn't really count.

After dealing with my hair I walked out my room, shut the door and walked along the hallways ill never see again.
As I stepped into the court yard I saw a line of people.

I walked over to the line and stood at the end.

After a few minutes a black car with black tinted windows pulled up. Lapis lazuli stepped out of the passenger side and walked around, taking off her sunglasses. She had a blue croptop and black jeans on along with platform boots, she had 3 dog tags around her neck and the only one I could make out was 'lapis lazuli' 

"Pleased to see you all. I'm sure you've done what I asked you. She gave everyone an cold stare. But her expression changed to more of embarrassed expression when she saw me.


She walked over to an bismuth that wasn't my friend

"Did you make the gun I asked for.?"

The bismuth froze in place.

"I! I didn't have time! I'm so sorry!!!" Tears started to full from the tall woman's eyes

Lapis pulled out a gun and pointed it to her neck. "Thats a shame." Her words cut like a knife. And in seconds all that could be heard was a bang and a drop of a her body falling on the floor.

What the fuck. I'm really going to die.
I- I cant even think of any last words, last thoughts. ANYTHING.

lapis moved down the line, one person did their task, they got a simple  ' well done'. Same with the next one. It got to the girl next to me, a ruby.

"Did you do your task.?" Lapis asked, looking down at the small girl, cleaning her gun on her jeans.


Lapis just took it all.

Then pointed the gun at the ruby.

"I'm not a child anymore."  I heard her whisper in the rubys ear before standing up straight.

"See you in hell, red~" 


Blood went on the wall and on half of me. Tears started to well up in my eye as she walked over to me.

Instead of her normal cold expression. Her eyes softened.

"Did you do your task peridot?" Her voice seemed to change to..


"No...I'm..I'm so sorry..!" Tears was streaming down my face now and I felt pathetic.

Again her expression changed. It was more sympathetic.  She took her gun out that she just put away. Oh god, this is it. She took my hands roughly.

She then put the gun in my hands and slightly closed them.

"Your gonna need this in a place like this. I'll give you another week." And with that she walked back over to the car and got in, and drove of leaving dust floating around in the trail.

What the actual FUCK??..

The 2 remaining people had their jaws dropped.

And random jasper walked up to me.

"Yo dude! How the fuck did you do that!! That's lapis lazuli she NEVER gives anyone a second chance after what jess did!!" Jessica??

"Jess? in Jessica may?.. what did she do?"

The jasper looked at the amethyst standing next to her, then back at me.

"Thats not my story to tell... , but dude! Give me the tea! Tell me how!!"

I would. If I KNEW how.

"I ..I actually don't know-.. maybe because I'm new?, look imma go.."

I shakily put the gun in my pocket and walk off.

Walking down the hallways I thought id never see again I walk into my room and shut the door, leaning against the door.


Something snapped inside my head.


"holy shit. LAPIS IS LORILINE."


Original characters belongs to Rebecca suger!

Original idea BagofDoritos

Fun lapis fact!!:  when she started as a diamond she was 15! She's no 17.

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