new task. new life.?

36 1 0

Peridots pov:

After my little "reunion" with Jessica, or should I say jasper. I sat down again with the crumpled paper I put in my pocket a while ago.

I straighten it out as best as I could then looked at it. It said : "hello peridot facet 2f5l cut 5xg. You have gotten a task from lapis lazuli. You will be making a drone with a bilt in camera.
It is currently Monday.  You will have a week. On Friday you will be taken out to the court lard to give lapis your task. Your equipment will be in the under ground work place.  Go to the elevator and press UG and go ask the jasper that gave this paper to you for an tool box. She will give you what you need.

Best of luck."

I look over the paper a few times. 'Best of luck' ...luck? Why would I need luck? What would happen if I didn't do it in time?..

This was like a never ending cycle of racing thoughts. Feelings. Memories. Memories of my dad , school life, my mother. Old friends.

It's just all coming at me like a ton of rocks and my mind can Barley keep up with it all.

I decided I would sleep as it was already 10 pm. That does mean I get less time but if I work fast and I'm sure I'll get it done!!


I woke up to the DREADFUL sound of an alarm clock. I sat up and attempted to look at the time but failed. After knocking everything off my desk trying to find my fucking visors I put them on.


5....5 am.


I look into space for a few minutes. Then look back at the clock to double check.  '5:03 AM' 

oh you gotta be kidding me.

I groan and got up. As much as I wanted to stay in bed I guess I had to get up.

I look over at the mirror, only being in my sports bar and boxers, I was actually really hot. It's like they had a fire in the room next to me.

Out of the corner of my eye I look down to see another bag. Huh?..

I walk over and un zip it. There was a shit ton of clothes and a note that said "there's some clothes here as my jasper never gave you enough.  :) - L"

L? Who could that be?..

After 30 minutes of looking though clothes I picked out some shorts and an black t-shirt, I put my jacket on. As I was putting on my boots I see some money at the bottom of the bag.

Was this an accident?.. I pick it up and put it in my jacket pocket.  And that's when my stomach grumbled. Hm.

Perfect timing I guess? I walk out, shutting the door behind me and walk down the "never ending" hallways.

I finally make it to the main door. There was two chick's standing there, guarding the door, they both had an pixie cut , blond hair, and was both fucking buff. They looked like they could snap me in half.

I walk over, kinda hesitated and they just look down at me. 

"Where do you think your going--.." she looks at my dog tag then back at me "Peridot?."   She gave me a dirty look and crossed her arms.

"Oh ! get food!! There is an shop across the roa-"  

"Your not allowed to leave unless you get permission from lapis lazuli herself. " 

Oh god, what if I just..lied?

"Oh um.. I did get permission!!"
She looked at the other woman standing next to her.

"Oh really? What if I gave her a call ?" The other girl had an smug look on her face.

Well shit. I didn't think that far.

She started to dial something into her phone then put it up to her ear still having that stupid look on her face.

After a few seconds her face changed into an worry look. "Sorry to bother you ! I- uh..... sorry! Yeah it is kinds important- we have an peridot here saying you gave her permission to leave the base?
Yeah I thought so to." She had that smile again

"wait huh? What peridot is it? - yeah give me a sec"   She looked at my dog tag like the other one did 
"It's peridot facet- 2f5l - cut- 5xG yeah  wait what?.. i- uh yeah! I'll do that now- I'm sorry please forgive me !"  Her face now looked like she had seen a ghost.

She looked at the other chick and moved out of the way out of one of the doors and then nods at the other one.

The other woman then moved out the way while she pushed the door open.

What the fuck?

I walk past them and the fresh air practically slaps me in the face. I heard one of them say "knock on the door to come back in." And then shut it.

Okayyy??.. I look left and right trying to find an food place and I saw one just down the street. I walk for a bit until I'm at the door. As I step in people look at me, some are getting up and leaving, some are whispering, and some are just trying not to make eye contact. 


I got to the front and an tall guy walked up to me. He looked horrified. Poor guy ig?

"What ..can I uh get you??.." he hesitated on his words. And rubbed the back of his head.

"Hmm may I get a coffee and ...hmmm  pancakes?"  I try to say in an clam tone as he looked like he was gonna be sick.
His face changed a bit and all he did was nod and run off into the kitchen

Um alright?

I go over to a table and sit down, the people sitting to the side of me are now getting up and leaving.

After some time he walked over and put my coffee on the table along with my pancakes. 

"Thanks, how much do you need?" I pulled out the money i was given..I think..

"It's uh! On the house!!.."  Oh?

"Oh um! Thank you !" I say, He just nods again and leaves

I mean, I don't mind the free food but I feel kinds bad, I don't even know why he is so afraid. Not just that. People leaving and whispering is kinda embarrassing. 

After I ate my food I picked up my drink and left, I knocked on the door and they let me back in. I went back to my room and was surprised to see an tool box and some parts on my desk

With yet ANOTHER note I looked at it it said "I got jasper to come bring you a tool box and some parts as you haven't gone to her yet. - L" 

'L' again.  This is annoying now, who is this L person?.  I sigh, as I sat at the desk. I might as well get this drone over with. I don't want to know what would happen if I didn't get this done by Friday. I look at the time

5:57 am.

This is gonna be a long day.

1209 words 😨

Characters belong to Rebecca suger !!

Original idea from BagofDoritos

Thanks you!

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