But hearing this, that Yuzu was pregnant, felt like it shattered all of that. One moment Ume was in the hospital comforting her newborn and the next that same newborn was having her own. It was unreal and almost hit harder than the wedding realization.

"My baby..." Ume sobbed while stumbling out of her chair. "My baby is having a baby.."

Now it was Umes' turn to pull Yuzu into a hug, the mothers sobbing in their embrace. "I can't believe this." Ume chuckled through her tears.

"Me neither." Yuzu responded. "Mei and I have been talking about it for a long time and finally decided we were ready."

"Why didn't you tell us sooner??" Ume asked. "We would've been more supportive and helpful."

"We kinda wanted it to be a surprise." Yuzu shared a knowing look with Mei. They did feel bad about not telling their family about their plans to add another child to the family. Even avoiding any questions about their trip. But everyone's surprised looks were worth every moment of deception

"You got me there." Ume giggled before crying some more. "It certainly was one hell of a surprise."

"Wait...." April thought as she watched her mother and sister hugging. She silently began questioning if she really paid that much attention during biology.

Yuzu + Mei = no baby 

Mei + Yuzu = no baby

Yuzu + Guy = baby

Guy + Yuzu = baby

Yuzu + Guy?

"Yuzu.....You didn't cheat on Mei did you?" April asked in a serious tone.

"Would I be standing right here as we announced our pregnancy if she had?" Mei asked.

April opened her mouth to answer, probably something cheeky but Yuzu cut in. "No, I didn't cheat on Mei. We conceived our baby through a process called artificial insemination."

April tilted her head in confusion, being unfamiliar with the mentioned procedure. "Okay hold on." Ume stopped Yuzu from explaining it. "Okay...okay I wanna know everything. Please Sit."

Yuzu and Mei took up on the suggestion but the upcoming grandmother was too emotional to remain seated.

"Okay so what do you wanna...."

"Do you know the donor?"

"Well actually...."

"When are you due?"

"Oh I'm due in....."

"How long have you been pregnant?"

"Only for a...."

"When's your first doctors appointment?"

"Where did starting a family come from??"

"Mama relax." April put her hand on Umes' shoulder. "Think you're overdoing it with questions."

"Sorry." Ume took a deep but shaky breath.

"One at a time please." Yuzu requested.

"Is that why you two left out of nowhere?" Shou asked Mei, trying to get answers but not overwhelm Yuzu.

"Indeed. The day we left we met with the sperm donor and handled all the proper paperwork." Mei spoke as if it was forever ago. "Later that day Yuzu and I were in the hospital so they can....I think you're aware."

"You had to meet him? I thought they'd keep his...stuff somewhere" Shou asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable to say some words around April.

"We wanted to get a good in person opinion on him and he happily agreed." Yuzu added. They had spent a few hours over a meal discussing everything, Mei was more than fine to pay for it given the odd gift he'll be giving them.

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