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"I may not be trying to feed a small village." Yuzu said while rubbing her stomach. "But well....I am eating for two.. I'm pregnant."

Clinks echoed through the now silent apartment as the family dropped their utensils in disbelief. Their family remained speechless while Yuzu and Mei stood before them.

"W...what did you just say?" Umes' voice was shaking, part of her wondering if this was some joke that Mei was convinced to play along with.

"We're expecting a baby." Mei boldly stood by her lover. They both expected love and support, but these reactions weren't exactly what they pictured. It was a huge shock so they remained optimistic that once the shock washed off things would turn.

It did sound odd to actually say the words, but they brought the lesbian couple almost as much joy as their vows did.

At first Ume considered the possibility this was some joke, an odd one but one that would certainly spark some reactions. But Yuzu and Mei wore looks of seriousness and determination as they happily stood before them. They were serious. Yuzu had a baby growing inside of her.

"O..oh my god..." Umes' hands covered her mouth as she processed what had been said. Next to her, Shou silently stood up.

"Papa?" April thought as he approached Mei and Yuzu.

"Ahaha!" Shou cheered before giving mei the biggest bear hug she had ever received and lightly shaking the grown woman as effortlessly as he did when she was a child. "Gah! I'm so happy for you two! Congratulations."

The man was lit up like a Christmas tree, chuckling happily as he held his daughter. Mei was at a bigger loss for words than Ume as Shou hugged her with cheers.

"Thank you, father." Mei smiled. The man couldn't sit still at the news, he knew exactly about Meis' views and how she expected her life to play out. Hearing they decided to go out of their way to start a family they wanted made Shou happy enough to cry.

"Thanks Papa." Yuzu giggled, wishing she would have photographed his and Meis' reaction. He let go of Mei down before carefully hugging Yuzu. Shou was cautious of her stomach but that didn't stop the man from almost cracking her back with such an intense bear hug.

"Are you okay?" Shou asked, noticing he let his excitement get the better of him and had quite the grip around her.

"Couldn't breathe as well but I'm fine."Yuzu patted him on the back. surely even an intense bear hug wouldn't cause any harm if he avoided her stomach.

"I can't believe this!" He chuckled while turning to face Ume. "We're gonna be grandparents!"

Much like Mei, Shou once expected that she would carry on the Aihara name and start a family some day. That all felt like it flew out the window when she came out as a lesbian, Shou was just happy she was happy. The idea of grandchildren had only ever vaguely crossed his mind since, usually wondering if April would be a mother someday or what.

But as luck would have it, here they were with a grandchild on the way. The joy on Meis' face alone was enough to fill Shou with pride.

Suddenly all eyes were on Ume instead of the pregnant woman, everyone Curious about why she hadn't said much and was still sitting there.

"Mama?" Yuzu timidly asked, her hand rubbing her stomach. Despite all the years Ume could still see her little girl in the grown woman before her.

Back when Yuzu and Mei got married it really hit Ume just how much her daughter was grown up. Since then they maintained the same relationship but Ume had try and given Yuzu more respect that a grown woman deserves and even viewed her as such.

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