Chapter 47: The Ride Home

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"Aww you went to one of those little doggy cafes?! I'm so jealous! I wish I could've gone with you." Sayori whined.

"We could always plan for another visit. I think that you would really enjoy it, Sayori." Yuri said.

"Pleeease? I wanna see the cute puppies." Sayori pouted.

"I took a ton of pictures if you wanna see!" Natsuki offered, holding her phone up.

"Nooo! That'll just make me sad that I wasn't there and then I'll want to be there more and I don't know if my heart can take it!" Sayori explained quickly, faking a little sniffle afterwards.

"You're such a whiner, Sayori," Alex teased with a chuckle. "Just look at the puppy pictures, dude. 'Wah I don't wanna see the pictures because I'll get sad and mimimimi'." He went on to imitate her higher voice.

The response to this was a swift smack to the arm from Natsuki, "You're such a jerk!" She said with a laugh.

"Ow! You're laughing at it though!" He pointed out.

"Yeah, because I thought it was funny."

"So then why'd you hit me?!" Alex questioned.

"Because you're a jerk!" Natsuki laughed again.

"Pfft heheheh wow, fine. I see how it is." Alex chuckled and turned in his seat, pretending to open the window of the train so he could jump out.

"You dork," Monika shook her head and smiled. "What did you do yesterday with the free day?" She asked him curiously.

"Eh, me and my group just went to the strip clu-uhhhh I mean shopping, we went to a big mall and just spent the whole day there!" Alex answered with a smile.

"Wowww. Did you buy anything cool?" Monika asked with an exaggerated level of dryness in her tone.

"Yeah, I got some nice souvenirs." Alex laughed after answering.

"You are such an perv." Natsuki rolled her eyes at him.

"I meannn...depends on the day." He chuckled in response.

"Anyways, we also went to the Kyoto Imperial Palace. That was Yuri's idea." Natsuki changed the subject.

"Oh wow, that's amazing! Did you see the emperor? Or the princess?" Sayori asked with a giggle.

"Nah, they must've been out. Maybe next time." Natsuki answered sarcastically.

"Heheh, well Monika and I walked the trail of 10,000 gates at the Fushimi Inari Shrine! It was long but it was so pretty! It was really cool!" Sayori said.

"Oh? I know the place you're talking about. How long did it take you to walk the trail?" Yuri asked curiously.

" was probably 3 hours or so?" Monika guessed.

"Oh goodness..." Yuri looked down at herself and hummed. "I'd like to go there one day but it sounds like I will have to prepare myself for it."

"We should all go one day though! You would all love it." Sayori suggested.

"Yeah, it sounds super cool." Alex agreed.

"That also reminds me. I got you all souvenirs." Monika recalled. She quickly stood up and reached for her suitcase, pulling it down and setting it on her lap.

"Huh? Souvenirs?" Natsuki sat up curiously.

"Yeah! I wanted to get something for everyone. Sorry, I shoved them in between everything else so they wouldn't get damaged...uh...ok! Yuri, this one is yours." Monika said, holding the shrine-themed bookmark out to her.

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