Chapter 24: The Arcade (Part One)

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Monika: Okay everyone! If your Thursday is looking free, we're all meeting up at the mall in the afternoon to hang out! We'll be meeting in the arcade for games and eat at the food court afterwards. If you have any friends that you would like to also invite, the more the merrier!

Natsuki: "If you have any friends" lol

Yuri: I will do my best to attend if I am able.

Alex: Hey, Komi, you have friends, right? Why don't you invite some of them?

Komi: ok

Komi sat down on her bed, staring nervously at Alex's suggestion on her phone screen. It was Tuesday night now, which meant that Thursday wasn't that far away. Would it really be alright to send out such a sudden invitation to people? Wouldn't it be an inconvenience...?

She decided that she would draft up one single message and send it out as a mass email to all of her friends. Or was that too impersonal? No, it was a formal invitation. She could handle that...hopefully.

To all of my friends,

I hope that you summer vacations are going well. On Thursday, the Literature Club will be hosting a gathering at the arcade for games and food. If your schedule allows for it, I would be delighted to see you there.

Shouko Komi

When Thursday rolled around, Monika and Alex were the first to arrive at the arcade. They waited patiently, standing near the entrance so they could be there to greet their friends as soon as they came in. Alex scrolled idly through social media posts while Monika leaned against him and watched the door.

"How many people are you supposing will show up?" Monika asked curiously.

"Including us? Depending on my patience, I'm expecting about 10." He answered simply.

"Sounds like a pretty good sized group! Will you be able to handle it?" She asked.

"Oh yeah. I got it. I'll be fine." He answered with a nod.

"Good. You know, sometimes I wish the club was about that size too." She commented.

"Oh yeah? I thought you liked that the club was a smaller size." He pointed out.

"I do! But I mean, you know, variety can be fun too – it would be better for discussions anyway. Either way, I already picked out my favorite member." She said with a smile, playfully tapping him on the arm. Alex scoffed at this.

"That sounds inappropriate out of context." He pointed out with a chuckle.

"Ahaha! Not in front of the readers, I'm sorry." She joked, "Oh! Hey, Natsuki!" Monika called out to her upon seeing her coming in.

Natsuki, dressed in jeans and a pink top, walked over to them with her arms folded in front of her. "Hey guys. Are we the first ones here?" She asked, looking around curiously.

"Looks that way. Why? Looking for someone?" Monika asked, noting how Natsuki was looking around them. Her body language appeared defensive.

"Um, no, it's...never mind. It's fine." Natsuki brushed it off with a wave of her hand.

"It'll be alright, Nat." Alex said with a smile, reaching up and rubbing her head with his hand. She was quick to swat his hand away and pout at him.

"What I tell you about doing that?" She pointed threateningly at him.

Next up to arrive was Sayori, trotting up to the group wearing leggings and the same oversized hoodie from her last trip to the mall. She beamed brightly as she approached them.

Komi Komi Literature Club!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz