Chapter 43: The First Night At Kyoto

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"I wonder how much this whole school trip thing costs. This is like really nice." Natsuki said. She along with Monika, Yuri, and Sayori were all sitting around the hotel hanging out that same night after spending all day touring through the different temples.

"It doesn't appear that they spared any expense. Not that I'm complaining." Yuri commented, sitting comfortably in her chair.

"I don't think I've ever stayed in a hotel this nice before." Sayori giggled, stretching her arms out and kicking her feet up.

"I doubt I have either," Monika smiled. "Yuri, I know you were looking forward to seeing all of the cultural stuff. Was your appetite satisfied?" She asked, amused by her own question.

"I would say so," Yuri replied with a nod. "I found myself meditating on the different themes and life lessons that were implemented into the designs of each temple. I think that I would like to do something similar with my next few poems."

"What was your favorite thing that you saw today?" Sayori asked her.

"Hmm...I think it would have to be the gates of the Nishi Honganji Temple. Something about them seemed...otherworldly to me, like portals to a distant place." She answered thoughtfully.

"That sounds like it would make for a really fun topic to write about!" Sayori said enthusiastically.

"It certainly would, although I think that would do better as the subject of a novel or a short story even. Even a lengthy poem might not do it proper justice." Yuri considered.

"I couldn't see you writing an isekai poem, Yuri. Doesn't really seem like you're cup of tea." Natsuki commented.

"Well, perhaps it could be fun to try something different – abstract, as Alex likes to call it." Yuri shrugged.

"Well since you asked, Sayori, what was your favorite thing you saw today?" Monika asked.

"Oh, definitely the room full of gold! That was probably my favorite temple overall actually! Everything was so cool. I loved the trees and the water and the gold room." Sayori summarized.

"I see you really liked the gold room, huh?" Natsuki noticed with a chuckle.

"Yeah! How could you tell?" Sayori asked with a light laugh.

"Heheh, I really liked the view from the Kiyomizu Temple. I could've stood out there all day just taking in the view of all those trees." Monika said, getting the conversation back on track now.

"I wish it wasn't so secluded. It would be nice to go back and just sit there." Sayori said with a smile.

"Agreed. But if it wasn't where it was, we wouldn't have the view now, would we?" Yuri pointed out.

"Very true. You're so wise, Yuri. You're like a wisdom expert." Sayori giggled.

"I...thank you...?" She stuttered in her short response, unsure of how else to respond to that.

"Hey, how come no one has asked me what my favorite thing from today was?" Natsuki asked, pouting a little after pointing out her realization.

"Yes, of course. What was your favorite part of the trip, Natsuki?" Monika asked.

"It was...the art inside the Nishi Honganji Temple. I actually took a lot of pictures of the different paintings! It was like looking back in time!" Natsuki said, her enthusiasm quickly rising to the surface as she talked about it.

"Ooh yeah I liked that too! It was like...looking through a window into the past." Sayori described dramatically, sweeping her hand in front of her.

"Would you step inside if you could actually go back?" Monika asked Natsuki curiously.

Komi Komi Literature Club!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें