Chapter 35: The Altercation

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In a very short period of time, the city had become covered in a glistening sheet of white snow. With her scarf carefully wrapped around her neck and her school bag in hand, Komi took extra care on her walk to school today.

The snow-covered scenery seemed to add extra emphasis to the chill cutting through the air.

Komi entered into Itan High and made her way to her locker where Tadano was already getting his things. He looked up at her with a smile as she approached.

"Good morning, Komi! How did you enjoy the day off?" He asked, standing up straight now.

"Mm," Komi hummed, taking a moment to pull her notebook out of her bag. "It was nice."

"Good! I'm glad. We had some issues with our power, but thankfully it wasn't out for very long, haha." Tadano said.

As Komi and Tadano were beginning to chat, another student was arriving early to Itan High. His name: Makoto Katai. Nothing was really known about him since he just started showing up this winter season, but the first impression he gave off to people was not a favorable one.

Katai was a pretty tall guy with a muscular build. He dyed his hair blonde and had it brushed back to give himself a new style to try out. He didn't know how to tie a tie properly so he never bothered to wear it, preferring to keep the top button of his collared shirt unbuttoned.

On the outside, his expression was stoic. He would try to force a friendly, welcoming smile, which would only give off a wicked smile like he was ready to cause trouble; this only further added to the intimidating persona that his peers had placed upon him.

However, Katai did have one friend at Itan High: Hitohito Tadano. From his first day there, Tadano was happy to help Katai adjust to things at the school. He was grateful to have someone like Tadano who was willing to stick his neck out for him.

So he was quite surprised by what he saw as he walked into school this morning.

"Hey! Morning, Tadano! Sup, Komi?" Alex greeted them, walking straight to them.

"Mm!" Komi flinched in surprise, not expecting to see Alex come around in his hoodie and mask again. However, she knew it was him this time, so she quickly greeted him with a written out, "Good morning!"

"Oh, good morning, Alex. Are you still feeling sick?" Tadano asked, noting that Alex was wearing his mask again.

"Yeahhh, just a little. It isn't too bad, but I've been sneezing and my nose is still a little runny. I hate my sneezes, man. Sneezing makes the back of my throat all dry and itchy, and then the itchiness makes me sneeze again. Happens every time." Alex complained.

"Oh wow, that sounds rough." Tadano said.

"Have you been taking any medicine?" Komi asked.

"Yeah, I took some stuff this morning. I hate the taste of medicine. But I should be alright in a couple days." Alex said with a little sniffle.

"I hope you feel better soon." Komi expressed her concern.

"Me too, man, me too." Alex said, shaking his head.

"If it gets any worse, you might want to see a doctor." Tadano suggested.

"Nah, it's just the weather. Although it might be nice to get some extra time off school. I'm sure you'd like that, wouldn't ya, Tadano?" Alex joked.

"Huh? No, I wasn't saying that." Tadano said quickly, not yet realizing that Alex was teasing him.

"Oh yeah. You just hate me, don't cha? And after we had that sleepover?" Alex feigned being offended and playfully pushed Tadano into the lockers, causing Komi's eyes to widen in surprise.

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