Chapter 14: The Friend Group

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Komi fidgeted nervously as she slowly approached Naijimi at the beginning of their lunch break. She wasn't the type to usually make any sort of request, but she needed some advice, and she figured that Naijimi would likely be the best person to ask.

Unfortunately for her, it looked like Naijimi was about to get up, prompting her to speedwalk across the room. She arrived by Naijimi's desk just in time.

"Hmm?" Naijimi noticed her coming over right after standing up, "What's up, Komi? You need something?"

"Mhmm," Komi nodded before writing. "I need your help. Do you have a moment?"

"Oh jeez, sorry, I'm actually triple-booked for lunch period today..." Naijimi started to say, looking down at a wristwatch. However, Naijimi looked back up and saw Komi being insistent, using her trademark stare complete with large, pleading eyes.

"Okay," Naijimi sighed in defeat and relented to Komi's request with a nod. "I can spare 5 minutes. What can Naijimi Osana do for you?"

Some of my friends are having an issue" Komi crossed out the word 'issue' and replaced it with 'disagreement'. "An disagreement with each other, and I'm not sure what I should do. I want to help."

"Hmm, I smell juicy gossip. Heheh, what's the deal? Why're they having problems?" Naijimi asked curiously with a raised eyebrow and a mischievous sideways smile. Komi raised her hands up in front of her and quickly shook her head before writing her response.

"2 of them are in a relationship while the others are not. I think one of them is making the others uncomfortable because of this. But they are all friends with each other." Komi explained.

"Uh...I'm a little confused here." Naijimi said.

Komi flinched, unsure of how to proceed. Then she got the idea to draw out a diagram to help. She drew two circles for Monika and Alex then drew a heart around them to signify their relationship. She drew 3 more circles for Natsuki, Yuri, and Sayori.

Lastly, she drew a circle to the side of everyone else with a question mark above it to represent herself.

"Ohh, I see!" Naijimi finally said after reading Komi's explanation and looking at the visual aid, "So two people in your new friend group are dating each other, and the others here don't like it."

"Not necessarily. They say they don't like how one of them acted in the past because it. Apparently, she can be possessive. That's the word they used." Komi clarified.

"Mm. Well that's awkward. Sounds to me like whoever she's dating, the others must like them too, or just like hanging out with 'em. I've been there. It does get annoying." Naijimi related with a nod.

"So what should I do?" Komi asked.

"Huh? What should you do? What're you talking about, Komi?" Naijimi raised an eyebrow at her.

"I want to help." Komi pointed her pencil back at her previous sentence before adding, "I want everyone to get along."

"Heh, well you're not part of the problem, but I don't think there's anything you can do, Komi. It's not really your problem," Naijimi pointed out.

Komi flinched a little in surprise, her eyes growing wide.

"If you ask me, the best thing you can do is just continue being friends with everyone. Whatever problems come up will probably resolve themselves. Anyways, I gotta run, but I'll see ya later, Komi! Bye!" Naijimi waved and hurried out of the classroom.

"" Komi hummed in disappointment, looking back down at her notebook. Her eyes read over her sentence again: "I want to help." That was still true, but what Naijimi had recommended didn't feel like enough for her...

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