Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Katie..." I sigh when I see her turning around.

'Forget about it" she says and walks out frustrated.

Pushing the door open, I follow behind her.  What is it with these lot and not letting me pee in peace?

Leah's POV

I anxiously start moving my leg and try my hardest to listen to what Lia has been talking about for the last few minutes.  I play with Haileys hair tie while I throw a glance towards the bathroom door one more time. 

What's taking her so long?

"Leah mate" Lia says and I shift my attention to her, "she's been gone for two minutes"

"I wasn't worried about that" I lie, a little embarrassed that Lia was able to read my body language.

"You couldn't keep your eyes off her all night" Lia starts counting with her fingers, "she leaves for the bathroom and you keep staring in that direction... I didn't know you had attachment issues" she taunts.

"Says you" I laugh this time, "you literally couldn't sleep because Caitlin wasn't able to FaceTime you"

"We all know im whipped, but you? You've fallen worse than I thought" she says and takes a sip of her drink. 

"I'm going to go check on her" I get up fast, trying to remove myself from this conversation.

"See? My girls in love" I hear Lia say from behind me and chill run through my body. 

Me? In love with her? Like that will ever happen.

But here I am, walking towards the bathroom because im worried about her.  Why am I even worried about her? She's a grown ass woman.  She knows how to take care of herself.

It's probably because she's had a few drinks and I know she can't handle liquor.  Yeah that's definitely why. 

As I get closer, I can hear people talking.  Just outside, there's Hailey, looking a bit tired and stressed and Katie is near her, too close if I might add. 

So this is where she disappeared off to earlier. 

I know she said there's nothing going on between then, but there's definitely a vibe. At least from Katie.  I can see it in the way she looks at her.  It makes me want to throw up just thinking about it.

Katie shakes her head at what Hailey is telling her while taking a few steps closer.  She places a hand on her shoulder and my breath gets stuck in my lungs. She doesn't push her away. 

Why is she touching her like that? Didn't she get the message that she's with me? Wasn't the kissing on purpose in front of her not obvious enough?

This seems intense.

I shouldn't interfere.  I should just walk away.  This conversation they're having is none of my business.  Hailey can handle this one herself. 

I start turning around but then I hear Katie ask...

"Do you love her?"

Hailey is frozen in place, taken aback by the question.  She genuinely looks like she wants to run away.  I wait a bit, wanting to hear her answer but then I realise that she's not going to give her one. 

Before she says something to her that might ruin everything, I gather up some courage and step forward. 

"Hey baby!" I say and get between her and Katie, my body shielding her from Katie.  I peck her on the lips lightly which makes her cheeks turn red, "I was looking everywhere for you"

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now