"What's wrong Sanji? not happy to see your brothers"

'No please not them'

"That swordsman was easier than I thought, you should have seen his agony"

'Please stop it hurts'

Sanji clutch his chest tighter. He was having difficulty breathing. He looked at his hands covered in Zoro's blood and the devils that haunt his dreams. Their laughs echoing around him. Zoro's lifeless body making his head spin

It hurt. He could barely breathe his heart was literally booming in his ear. He was have a freaking panic attack

'It hurts. It hurts. I HURTS!'

A flash of light then happened. Sanji then looked around and noticed he was back in the room. But his heart was still beating fast and he could still see Zoro's dead body and hear their horrid laughs

He was trembling, his eyes wide with fear

"Now what's that look, don't tell me you're scared"

Sanji watched the grin on his face as he caressed his cheek. Sanji was to fear stricken to move away and he could feel his whole body trembling


He was caressing Sanji's face when a knock on the door interrupted. Fuji let out a frustrated groan before turning back to smirking


The door opened to reveal a short man. He looked young. He had light green hair, was wearing an oversized jacket, black pants and a grey scarf wrapped around he neck. He stood in a slack manner, totally undisturbed by the scene before him

"Ken-chan, what is it?"

Ken bowed before answering

"There seems to be some people heading to this floor and you have a call from the marines"

"*sighs* what a pain. Deal with those intruders. I'll handle the call"

"Yes sir" Ken bowed then exited

Fuji turned back to the scared cook on the bed then grabbed his chin

"I'll be back my love"

And with that he left. Sanji still couldn't comprehend what the hell happened but one thing is for sure he's freaking terrified and needs Zoro

Nami, Robin, Chopper, Ussop and Brook are making their up the flights of stairs, desperately trying to reach the fifth floor. Their weapons at the ready if needed

"Come on guys we have to get to Sanji"

They all nodded at Nami's statement and increased their speed. Their nakama is top priority. They all had determined looks on their faces and to match a threatening aura

They were getting closer to the fifth floor just two more flights of stairs then suddenly

"Everybody look out"

Robin warned. Glass shards came from the ground nearly hitting them. Luckily they were able to dodge

"What the-"

"You missed"


The crew turned their heads towards the voices. They were met with a child with light green hair and another guy. He looked older. He had messy long black hair and tan skin. He wore a sleeveless jacket and shirt matched with some baggy pants and boots ( Touma)

"Here I thought you might be useful"


"Let's just do our job" Ken said whipping out a book from his jacket

The Marimo and The Pervert (Zosan)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن