A few weeks later, I finally met kwan, I could see why my mum was so smitten with him. He was such a gentleman.. it took some time for me to get used to him, but our stepfather, step daughter relationship built over the next few months. He finally moved in one weekend it was only right. He spent so much of his time here anyway. I had heard him on the phone one day talking in his native tongue. I was fascinated, I had never wanted to study a foreign language up until that point, and I asked him if he could teach me that very evening as we sat down to eat, he was looking at me like all his dreams came true in that very moment, I wanted to start learning about his language, learning about him and his home, south Korea and the culture, and that's all we talked about for the remainder of the evening. My mum already knew so much about his life before moving to the UK, but she also agreed with me on wanting to learn Korean, so me and my mum sat every evening once work and homework, was done if I had any, once id been out and we had had our evening meal, then we sat doing on online course together. I took to it easier than my mum, but she still got all the basics down quickly.

Just over a year later. Me and my mum were both fluent, we made kwan start speaking in Korean so we could learn to hold a conversation. Life was great. They were better than ever. Kwan had asked my mum to marry him a couple of months ago, and of course, she said yes,

Dad and Lisa got married last year, and they decided that after being engaged for so long, they should finally tie the knot. It was a beautiful wedding, we all attended my dad and kwan, actually get along really well. Not too long after the wedding, they announced they were going to be parents. There was a fifteen year age gap between me and Cole and being an only child until that point was strange. My parents were seventeen, when they had me. They both stepped up to the plate, they loved each other so much, and their lives together moved fast, engagment, then wedded in the space of a year once they found out. But by the time I was four, he had moved out of our home. I didn't understand. Really, at that time. But Cole was new and strange, but I adored him. He was my half-brother, and the minute I laid eyes on the tiny bundle, Lisa was cuddling with and passed him over to me for a cuddle, I vowed to love and protect that little boy..

A few weeks after mum and kwans engagement party. I heard Mum and kwan in deep conversation in the kitchen. I didn't want to butt in as it sounded serious, but I had to pass them to head out to meet my friends..

They grabbed me before I could leave, and we all moved to the living room so we could talk. Mum had told me that kwan had a phone call that morning to head back to his main office in daegu. He had another job lined up now. as he was only supposed to be here for two years but they needed him back earlier, so rather than having time to discuss what is going to happen in a few months, got pushed forward to that moment, he explained he didn't come here to fall in love, let alone to be engaged to marry, as he always knew he would be going back, and my mum also understood that to. They told me they were going to give long distance a try until I finished school.. and kwan would be leaving to go back in the next two weeks.. as I sat looking at them both. I could see they didn't want to be apart, their hands intertwined holding each other like it would be there last time.

I listened to every single word they had to say.. but I knew that the distance between them would be hard, let alone the time difference, one of them would always be working or asleep. They would probably get about an hour to talk on the phone or something.

I was just as upset for the last 20 months, I had watched my mum be the happiest she has been in a long time, and I watched their relationship grow, I watched them move in together, fall in love and then they only got engaged recently.. kwan was our constant.. he not only became an amazing boyfriend, well husband to be... he was an amazing step-dad.. and I was lucky to have him in my life. He put up with my mood swings and hormones, he helped when I fell out with one of my friends over her thinking I fancied the boy she had a crush on.. Just because we were placed together in a school project for the lesson and I had to speak to him.. but boys were never priority even at fifteen. I wasn't interested in having a boyfriend.. but we worked it out. And we're still really good friends. It turns out Max liked my friend pippa just as much as they are together, and he is always hanging out with us. Young love..

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