vii ━ a satyr with anger issues

Start from the beginning

Becca, as the fine refined girl she was, let out a, "AAAAAAAAAAH."

Leo urged them to get out of the dragon, he insisted but Rebecca wasn't going to leave him there.



The two looked at each other, but Jason grabbed her and jumped out of a plummeting bronze dragon.

Turns out there had been a laser trap, as a consequence Festus had taken them for the group, Leo was pretty sad about it.

Festus had been a good dragon, he had saved their lives a few times, in the end Leo said goodbye to him and they continued their journey.


THEY would've died a couple of times if it weren't for Leo, there were many, many many traps and Leo detected them all.

"You're amazing, man," Jason said.

Leo scowled as he examined the front door lock. "Yeah, amazing," he said. "Can't fix a dragon right, but I'm amazing."

"Hey, that wasn't your—"

"Front door's already unlocked," Leo announced.

Piper stared at the door in disbelief. "It is? All those traps, and the door's unlocked?"

Leo turned the knob. The door swung open easily. He stepped inside without hesitation.

Before Jason could follow, Rebecca caught his arm. "He has to process the whole Festus thing."

"Yeah," Jason said, he got out of her grip, as if her hand burned. "Yeah, okay."

Rebecca's first impression of the mansion they were trespassing was: Dark.

From the echo of his footsteps she could tell the entry hall was enormous; but the only illumination came from the yard lights outside.

A faint glow peeked through the breaks in the thick velvet curtains. The windows rose about ten feet tall. Spaced between them along the walls were life-size metal statues.

"Good gods, this place could use some light." Rebecca's voice echoed.

"Don't see a switch," Leo said.

"Fire?" Piper suggested.

Leo held out his hand, but nothing happened. "It's not working."

"Your fire is out? Why?" Piper asked.

"Well, if I knew that-"

"Okay, okay," Rebecca said. "What do we do - explore?"

Leo shook his head. "After all those traps outside? Bad idea."

"Leo's right," Jason said. "We're not separating again—not like in Detroit."

"Oh, thank you for reminding me of the Cyclopes." Piper's voice quavered. "I needed that."

✔ 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍  ⋆  jason grace  Where stories live. Discover now