"Here we can talk more freely without anyone hearing our conversation" he says while turning towards me, "I need you to attend this party because Leah will be there"

I sigh and let my head fall down to the floor. 

"You guys just became public and you need to convince everyone there what you have is real"

"can I at least leave early?" I try to compromise.

"Fine, but stay two hours at least, do what you need to do with Leah and then you can flee the scene" he says with optimism. 

"Fine, I'll make an appearance"

***  ***

I wake up annoyed from my nap because of an annoying ringtone.  It takes me about five minutes to find where I put my phone and by the time I find it, it's still ringing. 

Unknown number.

I debate not picking it up and going back to sleep, but it might be something important. 

"Hello?" I put my phone on speaker and lay my head down on the bed again, trying not to sound sleepy.

At first there's silence on the other end of the line. 

"You were sleeping, weren't you?" a voice I know all too well says and If my eyes were open, I would have definitely rolled my eyes.

"Who's this?" I teas even thought I know who im talking to.


"Leah who?" I say and bite my bottom lip to prevent a chuckle coming out. 

"If you're going to mess round, im going to hang up"

"Hey, you were the one that called me and ruined my sleep, alright? Not the other way around" forcing myself to get up, I sit on the edge of my bed, "also, how did you get my number? I dont remember giving it to you"

"I have my ways, now get up, we're already late"

"I can't be late at my own party" I say while walking towards the bathroom, taking my phone with me, "wait a second, did you just say we?"


"I thought I would just meet you there?"

"No" noises are heard from the other line, "I'm driving you there so we can show up together"

Great.  Why are all these people deciding things for me right now?

"Well, its going to take a while for me to get ready so you might as well leave without me"

"Dont worry, I took care of that too" Leagh says and my brow furrows in a confused look, even though she can't see me, "I sent Caitlin up to your place, she'll help you"

And as if planned, which technically its was, there's a knock on my door. 

"How considerate of you" I say and sleepily walk towards the door.

"You better be down in five" she says with a cold tone.

"Or what?" I scoff, "you going to come up here and throw me over your shoulder and drag me to your car?"

"Exactly, so you better pray you're all dressed up by then" Leah says and hangs up the phone. 

I open the door and see Caitlin standing there all dolled up. 

"Hey Hailey!" she says and gives me a side hug. 

I return the hug while giving her a smile, "come in"

"Oh wow, your place is lovely" she says and sits down on the sofa, "Right, what you wearing tonight?"

"Come on, you can help me decide" I say while holding up a few options I had already hauled out of my wardrobe.

"You should wear the red one, Leah will lose her mind" Caitlin says and gives me a smirk. 

I pick up the red dress and walk in front of the mirror holding it up.  The dress is beautiful, not too short, not too long either and it's backless. 

I have never been the type of girl to wear a dress just to impress a girl, however im very tempted to do just that right now.  I mean it's just a dress, right? It doesn't mean anything. 

"Not that Leah isn't already losing her mind.  I mean she practically admitted it to the entire world that she is lucky to have you"

"She did?" I say while turning around.

"Didn't you watch her interview?"

"I didn't have time" I say, definitely intrigues about what Leah said about me in her post match interview.  Im definitely watching it when I get back. 

"Well, I brought red lipstick with me just incase" Caitlin says, holding up the lipstick while looks at the dress im holding. 

Leah's POV

I take a glance at my watch while im leaning on my car, me and Lia patiently waiting for the girls to come down. 

"You know, it hurt me a little to find out you're in a relationship through the media" Lia says from beside me, shifting in her position so she's facing me, "I thought we were best friends"

"You are my best friend"

"Then why didn't you just tell me?" she says and I fight back the urge to tell her that its not real, that we're basically being forced together, that Hailey can't even stand me.

I hate that I have to lie to her. 

"I wanted to but I never found the right time" I say and turn to look at her, "I just wanted to be sure before anything got out"

"Is that why you were always telling me how much you hated her? Was it all a cover up?"

"I never said I hated her, but yeah, I was just pretending that I didn't like her"

I guess part of that is actually the truth. 

"Are you happy?" Lia asks with a sincere voice.

I nod.

"Then that's all that matters" she says and pats any shoulder. 

My head falls down as im playing with Haileys hair tie which I never returned.  What Lia said makes things even worse, makes me feel even worse.  She's so supportive of me and her I am, lying to her. 

"Our girls are here" Lia suddenly says and I look up at the entrance of the apartment complex. 

I wish I hadn't looked in the first place...

Catching Feelings- Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now