16: Drowned

447 22 53

TW! Kidnapping

Joel slowly walked home by himself after saying (waving) his goodbye to Etho. A part of him was conflicted regarding what the man had called him—Koko. Koko! Like what... Ender used to call him. He realized this after leaving Etho's neighbourhood; it just seemed so natural.

Another part of him was up in the clouds.

Etho was no doubt attractive to Joel. The man was platinum blonde, funny, and Jimmy said he liked kayaking before. Those 3 characteristics along with his charming laugh (and screw it—his intellect) were enough to drag Joel in like a moth to a flame. What could he say? He supposed he liked platinum blonde, tall, and awkward guys whose names started with E.

Joel didn't de-transform like he usually did but instead just wandered the streets with his typical sunglasses and emo leather jacket (he picked it as a child and now it's his brand, unfortunately). Joel daydreamed about a life with Etho. They could have a dog, cat, hamster, boat, hous—He was almost home (going through a short cut he had found, a narrow and long alleyway) when he heard rustling behind one of the bins, Joel stopped to listen.

He had to be careful, if this was a fan or worse—a villain—he couldn't let them know where he lived. Suddenly, he hears quick footsteps behind him: Joel quickly dodged an attack, from—"Ender...?" No, that can't be right, Ender never changes his attire. Ender also doesn't attack other heros, does he?

'Ender' wore his typical hero outfit but also wore sunglasses, they matched Joel's. However, unlike Joel, he actually wore them to cover his eyes. "Where are you going?" The other hero's voice was low, threatening. Joel just stared, analyzing the other from head to toe; "Why do you ask? I have patrol today." He did... just not here and not alone.

He had left Cuteguy because a certain archer had shown up and Joel didn't want to third wheel, was the universe punishing him for such a crime?

"You don't have patrol alone, now tell me, where are you going?" Ender walks closer to him, he appears... larger. Joel was well aware of their height difference, it's basically the same as Etho and his but now—now Ender looks taller. It feels like the other towers over him, hands scrunched into fists like he's about to throw a punch.

"Back to headquarters—lay off, babe." They were friendly just yesterday, what's with the sudden attitude change? Ender grabs his wrists, his hands were warm. Why are his hands warm? Ender's hands are usually cold.

Joel doesn't know what washes over him but he freezes up in the moment, "What are you trying to do?" Joel doesn't move from where he is. Why would he? He's transformed, it's not like he's in danger—Joel hears clatters behind him.

He yanks his arm away, jumping atop a short light-post to avoid whatever was coming up behind him. "Bubbles?" The aquatic-themed hero stood there, it was as clear as day. "What're you two doing?" Bubbles looks up at him, anger intricately weaved into his expression as he throws an arm up into the air; he's getting ready to aim. "Woah, woah—what's wrong guys?" Ender slowly turns around to where Joel had jumped down to the ground again.

Bubbles comes up behind him, a hand resting on Ender's shoulder (his other hand was still aimed at Joel, ready to shoot a water projectile). Behind them emerges Hades, Atlas, and Orange. Joel's senses are heightened, he stared at Bubbles. Why are... Ender and Bubbles with them? Joel reached for his phone—he needed back up asap.

He tapped on the first number, it doesn't matter who it is—he's up 1 to 3 (scratch that... 5—?). It doesn't matter how many fights he's won against the each of them, they can easily take him like this. Apparently his first contact is Hotguy because Joel's promptly greeted with: "This is Hotguy's voicemail! Be so kind and sexy as to leave a mes—"

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