Valentine's Day Special

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*This is canon. However, this is mainly just for your pleasure in reading. It also does not affect the main plot in any way.

"It's Valentine's Day?" [Name] asked as she walked with Nitori. He smiled.

"Of course it is. I don't have anyone to give chocolates to, though, but you might." he chirped. [Name] gave him a puzzled look.

"Do you remember when Rin dragged you along with the swim team to go buy better equipment? I was standing next to you guys, and a few girls were looking at us. I thought it was Rin who they were looking at, but one of them talked about how nice your hair color was. So, you must have some admirers, right?" Nitori was so bubbly around [Name] now, even more than he was with Rin.

"I don't think so. Besides, it's not like we have any girls in Samezuka. We can't really give any to boys, too. That'd be a little...weird." [Name] said, trying to drop the subject of Valentine's Day.

She knew that it would eventually come, but she dreaded the fact that it was coming to quickly. Someone, somehow, would encourage her to give chocolates to some random girl.

Nitori chuckled. "It's okay." he said. "We'll just have to find some time to get out, right? I think Rin's going out later afterschool. That's probably why he cancelled swim practice today."

As Nitori was muttering possibilities to why Rin cancelled practice, [Name] turned away stealthily and walked in the opposite direction. "If I go this way, maybe I can avoid giving chocolates..." she thought.

She took a few steps before she fell with a loud thud. "Ow... What the heck?" She rubbed her lower back, but was quickly yanked up by a strong arm.

"Yo, [Name]-kun." She blinked and looked at the tall stature in front of her.

"Sousuke! What- Sorry." She looked at her dirt-covered uniform and immediately started to dust it off.

Sousuke stared at [Name]. "At least watch where you're going. That's common sense." [Name] laughed nervously.

"Yeah. I know. I just wanted to go already."

"Go where?"


"You gonna get chocolates for your girlfriend?" Sousuke smirked when he saw [Name] grimace.

"No. I don't have one." she insisted. It was true, but she knew that the boys weren't going to buy it.

Sousuke grabbed [Name] by the shoulders and dragged her along with him. "Where are we going?" she asked, feeling completely uncomfortable around her new friend.

"Momotaro's having problems, and Rin told me to find Nitori. Since Nitori's not around, I'll take you to him instead." They both walked towards the dorms and even from the hallway, [Name] could hear Momotaro screeching.

"I want to give Gou-san chocolate!"

"No. I won't let you."

"Why not?! It's a chocolate otter, too!"

"She doesn't want an otter, stupid!"

When Sousuke opened the door, Rin was pushing Momotaro away from his phone using his foot. Momotaro's arms were out, trying to reach the phone, even though it was a good five feet away from him.

"Excuse us." Sousuke shoved [Name] inside, who stumbled and hit Rin's knee.

"Ow.... I keep getting hurt today...'" she groaned.

"Love's pain, [Name]." Sousuke annoyingly added. [Name] shot him an evil glare before looking up at Rin. Rin looked at Sousuke to [Name], and the back again.

"Why didn't you bring me Nitori?" he asked. He dropped his leg, and Momotaro fell on his face. No one bothered to help him up, but he was still fussing about giving Gou chocolates.

"[Name] was the first person available, so I just grabbed him. No big deal, right?" Rin shrugged and pulled the young Mikoshiba from his awkward position.

"Let's go to Iwatobi, then. I'm tired of you crying like a baby, so we'll all go." As Momotaro cheered happily, [Name] was stuck on a field trip to some unknown school.

After school, Rin, Sousuke, [Name], and a very cheerful Momotaro traveled by train to get to Iwatobi. "Gou should still be at school... Maybe..." Rin muttered to himself. [Name] looked around nervously. It was her first time to a strange place with even stranger men.

Rin lead them to the school's office. "Is it okay if we go in? We're students from Samezuka Gakuen." he explained to the secretary. She nodded and let them pass by.

Students who stayed afterschool were watching as foreign men entered their campus. A group of girls passed by. "That one's really hot." one said, pointing at [Name]. [Name] felt her cheeks flush up, and she immediately began to feel uncomfortable.

The group of girls kept on giggling and ogling even when the Samezuka boys were several feet apart. "I guess you're favored from all of us, [Name]." [Name] looked up and saw Sousuke giving off a sarcastic smirk. She quickly punched Sousuke in the arm.

"Shut up. I have no interest in your nonsense."

Eventually, Rin found Gou with the Iwatobi swim crew in a spare classroom. She was going over possible training regimens with everyone. "Hey, Gou." Rin announced. Nagisa jumped up and ran towards the unexpected visitors.

"Rin-chan! I haven't seen you in forever!" he squealed.

Rei was behind him and tried to pry him off the Samezuka captain. "Don't be like that, Nagisa-kun. Rin-senpai won't like it." he said.

Gou's eyes widened and hurried over to her brother. Right before Momotaro was going to give her his Valentine's Day gift, she pulled out a small box from behind her.

"I was wondering if you would accept this, [Name]-kun. I mean, it's not much, but it's still something... It's just chocolate... Er-" Gou blushed as she said this and turned away shyly.

Rin glanced between [Name] and Gou. "No chocolates for your brother?"

"No. You hardly visit me, and [Name]-kun's thin, yet muscular arms are better than yours." Gou said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Nooooooo!!! Gou-saaaaan!!!" Momotaro shoved his way to the front of the classroom. "I'll give you better chocolates that no muscles can compare to. Please accept this!" He bowed and handed Gou the box of chocolates.

"Oh... Thank you..." she mumbled, obviously unsure of what to say at the time.

Rin and Momotaro groaned loudly on the ride back to Samezuka.

"Of all the people she could have fallen in love with, it's you, [Name]!" Momtaro groaned, purposely lacking the usual honorific, -san.

"Gou's totally into biceps and back muscles! Why is she into your lanky build?" Rin added. Both boys threw their hands up in the air in frustration and covered their eyes.

[Name] looked away, feeling guilty over the entire thing. She hadn't wanted to participate in this useless event, and now that she was given chocolates from Rin's sister, she was stuck in the mud even deeper than she could imagine. She could easily not give Gou a gift for White's Day, but that would be rude.

Then again, Rin and Momotaro were already upset about the day's events.

[Name] groaned loudly also, catching the attention of several passengers. Sousuke patted [Name] on the back.

"No worries. I just didn't think you'd get this popular." he said jokingly. "You're not even 'hot', or whatever those girls call you."

"Thanks..." muttered [Name], punching his sore shoulder hard.

~End - Valentine's Day Special~

Note: This was published near Valentine's Day. I update on quotev:, so if you want to be update more often, feel free to visit here and read. :)

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