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Marion Cross. They had to find him. Kanda fumed as he moved through his routine. His body was lean, muscular. It moved with the flow of the sword. He had been practicing with it since he was ten. To him, Mugen was like another limb. It was a part of who he was.

He ignored the sighs, the whispered comments, anything Lavi said. Others would come to the training room just to watch him. It was annoying. He had found other places to go, do his routine. Yet somehow, they always found him. He came back up from a strike. Turning he saw Lavi leaning against the tree behind him.

The stupid rabbit tossed him a towel. Kanda caught it easily. He wiped the sweat from his face, all the while glaring at Lavi. The one eyed teen shoved himself up from the tree.

"You know, they will plan to send him alone, right?" Lavi asked.

"Only after they find a way to kill me, will I allow that." Kanda snarled.

Lavi held out the unopened water bottle. Kanda sighed. Honestly, he was grateful for both. He cracked the top, draining almost half of it.

"I was thinking..." Lavi had that look on his face.

It was the one Kanda associated with his Bookman training. The warrior simply waited. He knew the red head well enough. Nothing Kanda said would make Lavi stop talking. Sure enough, the silence grew, Lavi broke.

"They can't send him by himself, if we never leave him alone." Lavi pointed out.

Kanda's eye grew large as the implication hit him. He finished the water, while the dumb bunny talked on.

"Krory will help. We can't trust Johnny. He would only run to tell us, but it might be after the fact." Lavi stated.

"So, we follow the Moyashi." Kanda simplified the long winded explanation Lavi gave him.

"I wouldn't say follow. Just, you keep him sleeping with you, Krory and I can handle his meal times. The rest of the day, we will trade off." Lavi shrugged.

"I want to help too." A soft voice spoke from behind another tree.

Lenalee stepped out. Her dark hair in pig tails she eyed the two boys.

"I don't think Allen should go alone, either." She added as they stared at her.

"Oookkaayyy." Lavi drew the word out.

"It's Lenalee!" Kanda smacked the back of Lavi's head.

Lavi rubbed it, muttering an owe. He eyed the small girl, who looked cute in her outfit. He huffed.

"Well, if we have Lenalee on our side, why don't we just go talk to Komui?" he suggested.

"Because, it may not be Komui's choice." Lenalee rang her hands before her.

Before either of the boy's watching could say a word, four large red vans pulled in. Several people piled out of each one. Lavi growled. Kanda ground his teeth together, Allen walked up to them at that point.

"Whoa, who are they?" he asked.

"Central.." Kanda and Lavi snarled together.

Allen's red eyes danced between them. "Uh, you don't like them?" he guessed.

"When have you ever seen those two agree?" Lenalee asked him.

Allen hung his head a bit. He sighed. "This is because of Master." He turned away.

A hand fell to his shoulder. Allen was yanked back. He stumbled into the strong arms of one, Lavi Bookman.

"Just where do you think you're going?" Lavi demanded.

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