Mask of Maria

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It didn't take Johnny long to find, decode and figure out where Timcanpy had been going. Then he had uncovered something... mysterious.

It was a short clip, only just over ten seconds long, yet what it showed was far more disturbing than not. Hurrying through the maze of hallways that made up the head quarters, he rushed to reach the chiefs office.

Komui was hardly ever alone inside. Johnny didn't wait. His arms bursting with the machine needed to paly back the clip, he busted in through the never truly closed door. Today it was only slightly open. Johnny stood panting as all eyes swung to stare at him.

"Johnny, are you alright?" Komui asked kindly.

He waded through the papers scattered over his floor, kicking some aside, as other ripped apart under his boot heel, he reached the scientist. Johnny's breathing was slowing down. He nodded to his boss, managed to push his glasses back in place, before taking stock of the room.

Kanda leaned, arms folded, against a bookcase. Lavi stood on the opposite side of the room, his bright green eye fixated on Kanda. Krory was seated, legs crossed in one chair. The chair before Kanda was occupied by Allen. Johnny smiled upon seeing the white haired teen.

"Its Tim." He said to the boy. Allen stood to come to his friend.

He looked a little apprehensively at the mound of computer components in the man's arms. Johnny giggled as he adjusted his grip in the bundle.

"Not this. This is so I can show you what I found." Johnny looked around. There wasn't a clean surface to set anything down on. Frowning he turned in a complete circle.

"Yeah, there's never a place to do stuff like that in here. Follow me." Lavi pushed away from leaning his hip against the chair Krory sat in.

The red head walked out, not looking back. Johnny followed with Komui and Allen close behind. Kanda was next as Krory came out last. They moved to a desk set up at the end cubicle. Lavi grinned broadly down at the occupant of the desk.

"Sherry, you look like you could use a break. Grab a coffee, relax! This place gets too much sometimes." He offered.

"Well, Mr. Lee wants..." Lavi reached out to pull the girl to her feet.

"Sherry, Sherry, trust me, Komui will be grateful to you for caring about yourself." He patted her hand as he walked her to the elevator. She was gone before Komui was one to the desk.

Lavi took the seat. He pointed to a clean table sat up behind the girls desk.

"She is so meticulous!" he smirked at them all.

"Get up!" Kanda growled at him.

Allen assisted Johnny with emptying his arms. Everything was connected to something else, so it was a bit tricky to put down. Johnny took the seat as he began to plug the device in under the table.

"I was running your standard program to decipher...." He began.

"Just get to the non technical stuff." Komui smiled fondly.

Johnny nodded. He pulled himself out from under the desk, arranged everything to his liking, then turned it all on. As he was doing this, he was talking.

"So, once the program ran, it pulled out pieces of information that it thought would be what we were looking at. There was quite a lot actually." He smiled adjusting his glasses.

"Once it complied to together, I began to shift through it. Most of it was just slag, left over remnants of past times his memory was wiped. I shifted the stuff that looked like Komui would be interested in aside. Then I found this..." Johnny had a glowing screen come to life. It had darkened almost instantly.

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