Hidden ventures

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Kanda woke. It was still light out. He laid in his bed listening to the sounds around him. There! That's what woke him! It was soft, a mewing like cry, a moan. It sounded like someone was in pain. He bolted from his bed, one name ringing in his head. Allen!

He raced, silently, through his home, in his hand he carried the only weapon in the house, a long sword. For someone like Kanda, it was all he needed. He dashed into the boy's room. He really thought he would find something attacking the white haired man. All that Allen was fighting, was the blankets.

He kicked and thrashed under them. His voice was a bit louder here than in Kanda's room. Kanda set the sword down. He moved to the bed. Reaching out he tried to wake Allen. Shaking his shoulder didn't help, nor did calling his name. Kanda frowned. What else was he to do?

He watched, helpless for a time. Allen would still for a second, but then he would be tossing his body around. He rolled to one side, Kanda took the moment to do something that he didn't even think about. His body moved, betraying him.

Before he knew it, Kanda was curled around the small form. He pulled him back against him, fixed the blankets, then began to stroke Allen's hair. Allen moved once more.

He twisted around to bury his face in Kanda's chest. Kanda continued to stroke his back, hair whatever his hand touched. Slowly, Allen relaxed. The whimpering sounds nulled and he drifted to sleep. Kanda closed his eyes. What woke him next was his alarm going off in his room.

Allen murmured in his sleep. Kanda covered his ears until the phone silenced. He eased out of bed. It was only nine. Getting up he went to his room. He picked up his phone, turning, he nearly screamed!

He hadn't heard Allen walking around. The white haired man stood at the top of the stairs holding Kanda's sword. His red hand was rubbing at his eyes.

"Did you hold me?" Allen asked in a sleepy voice.

"Give me Mugen." Kanda hissed.

"Whose Mugen?" Allen asked blinking rapidly.

"My sword! Give me my sword!" Kanda nearly yelled. He felt naked without it.

Allen held it up looking at it as if he didn't realize he held it. He swung it, awkwardly. Kanda growled rushing forward, he body checked Allen back into the wall. It wasn't enough to hurt him, but to startle him. His fingers opened on the hilt. Kanda easily wrenched it free of his hand.

"Really couldn't wait five seconds?" Allen complained, from where he was being squashed between Kanda's body and the wall.

"Sorry, it's just, um well..." Kanda replaced the weapon into a well worn leather sheath. He strapped it to his back.

"You don't feel like you unless you have it on you?" Allen chuckled.

"Something like that." Kanda muttered.

"Seeing someone else holding her was.. strange." He stated.

Allen shrugged. "I get it." He turned away to head down to make something to eat.

"How long will it take to get to wherever we are meeting your friend?" He asked.

"About forty minutes." Kanda offered.

"KANDA!" Allen wailed! "Its ten after nine now! How are we going to eat!" He cried.

"Well, we are meeting him in a restaurant." Kanda struggled a little to keep his face even.

Allen sighed. "OK, I'll get dressed. Don't think I didn't notice you failed to answer my question!" He muttered walking away.

Kanda let his smirk come out. Quickly he grabbed what he needed before heading downstairs. Allen came down three minutes after. He was dressed in a denim jacket, black jeans and what appeared to be a purple hoodie. The dark male nodded.

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