They Don't Know About Us

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Engfa's POV

"Fans are clamoring. They want to see you and Charlotte together."

My manager, Sun told me while we're in my living room preparing for a supporter's live. I looked at him and shook my head.

"I told you, I don't want to do that anymore."

I said. He walked towards me and sat on the couch where I'm sitting. He fixed my button down shirt before speaking.

"Did the two of you fought or something?"

He asked. I shook my head before chucking. I checked the time and the lights. My other staff, Lott is also with us.

"We did not fight, okay? We're okay."

I said. What we were doing for fans is cute and all. We really enjoyed each other's company. We even admitted at some point that we've fallen in love but I guess some people are really just hard to please.

I once opened up in an interview that I fell for her first and that's true. I had my eyes on her since our first live together.

"So why the cold treatment?"

Sun asked me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"We're both just busy with our individual careers. Let's start the live now."

I said changing the topic. Sun finally let it go and went to my phone to start the live. Lott is with him and they told me that viewers are coming in like rain already. I started the live by asking everyone how they've been.

I wanted to do this to address the issue about last night.

"I'm not sad you guys. I'm actually happy last night that I became so emotional."

I said when I read a comment asking me why I look sad. One comment said that it's because of the leaked photos of Charlotte being with another guy. I shook my head.

"Come one. Let's not do that here, okay? Let's respect her privacy and also I'm not sad about it."

I said. It's true. I'm not bothered about the photos at all because Charlotte already explained everything to me. I answered the questions that I feel comfortable answering and invited them to my next concert.

"Thank you for accompanying me tonight everyone! Have fun and stay safe."

I said before ending my live. Sun and Lott sad beside me and the three of rested for a bit.

"Hey, look. Charlotte also started her live."

Sun said while watching Charlotte's live. She's wearing a black hoodie and her hair is tied bunny ears style. I smiled. She looks cute. She can be childish at times but it's cute.

"Do you miss Engfa?"

She read the comment. She looked down for a bit like she's thinking of how to answer it.

"Yes. Of course."

She said. She looks really exhausted yet here she is, still doing this for her fans. I felt that Sun and Lott are looking at me so I looked at them.


I asked. They just shook their heads while looking at me. Lott stood up first.

"I'm starving. Let's order something."

She said before fiddling with her phone. I just nodded and took my phone. I checked my social media accounts.

"This thing is really blowing out of proportion."

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