Someone Like You

838 26 2

Engfa's POV

It's been a few months since I last saw Charlotte. I'm looking at my reflection in the vanity mirror. I smiled but the pain still shows. I still feel empty.

I exhaled and changed into a black silk button down shirt and white dress pants. I will be seeing her tonight for sure. We are both invited to attend a reunion party for our series.

I just let my hair down and put on a very light make up. I stood up from the vanity and walked out of my room. I found my friend, Heidi, already waiting for me in the living room.

"Hey! Ready?"

She asked. I plastered a smile on my face but I know it didn't fool her. She hugged me quickly before looking at me straight in the eyes.

"It's going to be fine."

She said. I nodded and then motioned for us to leave.

I looked out of the window while Heidi is driving. I closed my eyes and I was once again transported to a core memory.

It was a couple of days after we finished shooting the last episode of our series.

Charlotte and I decided to go to the beach to chill and spend time away from everything. Just her and me. I booked us a villa away from the crowded area but with a private beach front for us to enjoy.

We spent our day lounging on the beach while endlessly talking to each other about things. We foll around and went swimming.

"It's amazing."

Charlotte said while we watched the sun as it set in the horizon. We were sitting on a picnic mat with a charcuterie plate and a bottle of red wine. I sipped from my wine glass while looking at her face.

"It is."

I said. The sunset gave her skin a golden glow. I don't think I will ever get tired of looking at her. She suddenly turned to look at me and caught me staring at her. I immediately turned my gaze to the sunset.

"I saw that."

She teased me. I drank wine from my glass while waiting for my heartbeat to return to its normal speed.

"How do you feel about the series?"

I asked. I felt her moved a little closer to me before sipping wine from her glass.

"I think we did great. Let's drink to that!"

She said before raising her glass in the air. I clinked my glass with hers and we both took a sip. I inhaled and exhaled a couple of times.

"Are you okay? You seem a little bit uncomfortable."

Charlotte asked. Her voice full of worry. I waived my hand dismissively at her and chuckled.

"I'm okay. I just... want to... tell you..."

I felt like there's a lump on my throat. I drank wine again and looked at Charlotte's face. She's looking at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. If I look into them longer, I might drown.

"Hmm? You can tell me anything."

She said before putting her hand on my arm. I looked at it and at her.

"I think... I know, for sure, that I like you. I might actually be falling for you."

I blurted out. She looked stunned by what I said then a slow smile crept on her face. She is smiling at me from ear to ear. She took a sip from her wine and looked at me teasingly.

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