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Engfa clocked in for her part time job as a server in one of the restaurants in the city. She went straight there from the University.

"Hey. You're late again."

Heidi, the manager said while giving them a quick briefing. Engfa smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry. My professor finished the class late."

She said. Heidi just sighed before continuing with the brief.

"We will talk later. For now, I need you guys to focus. We have a full house."

She said. Engfa's shift turned from bad to worst as it progressed. The tables were never empty. Customers kept on coming like a warerfall.

"Busy night for you guys tonight,huh?"

The customer who just arrived asked her. She just managed a weak smile and a nod. The woman was wearing an all black ensemble and she's alone. Her long black hair falls freely behind her and her hazel brown eyes bore at hers. Her red lips pouts a little whenever she's thinking.

"Well, Engfa. I'd like a tomahawk steak tonight. Cooked rare and a bottle of your most expensive wine."

The woman said. Engfa wrote her order down and hurried to the kitchen. Her face a little confused but since there are a lot of customers, she didn't have the time to ask.

"She's getting a tomahawk? She's alone right?"

One of Engfa's co-worker asked her. She just shrugged before getting the wine from the cupboard.

"Maybe she's hungry."

Engfa said while cleaning one wine glass and putting it on a tray. Her co-worker chuckled before walking away.

"Well, if she can afford one why not."

She said before following her to the service area. Engfa explained to the customer what kind of wine she brought her and when the woman looked pleased, she poured her a glass and left the bottle on top of her table.

"How much do I need to pay for you to accompany me with my dinner tonight?"

Engfa's eyes widened in shock by the customer's question. She blinked a couple of times before she can compose herself.

"I'm sorry, Miss. I don't think that's even possible. We're already short on staff."

Engfa tried to sound a little chill. The woman chuckled before drinking from her wine glass. She nodded and smiled.

"I see."

The woman just answered. Engfa excused herself to go to the kitchen and check on the other customer's order. She's still stunned by the request.

Heidi approached her and pulled her quickly on the side.

"Is that Charlotte Austin?"

She whispered. Engfa looked at her in confusion. She just shrugged.

"I don't know."

She answered. Heidi's eyes widened.

"You seriously don't know? Charlotte Austin? The heiress of Bistro Group? The owner of this restaurant?"

Heidi is almost out of her breath when she finished her sentence. Engfa gasped and shook her head. She honestly didn't know that.

"Give her everything she asked for and be quick with it. Please don't make any mistakes."

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