Now And Forever

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Charlotte's POV

"It's not that I don't love you, Charl. I want you to focus on your dreams first. You're young and I don't want to slow you down. I want you to enjoy your life first."

Engfa said. We were talking inside of our hotel room after her concert. I was hurt. I am hurting. I hurts when someone tells you they don't love you but I didn't realize that it would hurt even more when the person you love tells you that they love you but won't take a chance on you.

"I don't know why I keep on pushing myself to you when clearly you don't want me."

I said. I can feel that tears are already forming in my eyes but this time I don't want her to see me crying anymore.

She tried to hold my hand but I pulled back. I don't want to keep on doing this anymore. I don't want to be the only one who keeps begging. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat before standing up from the bed where I'm sitting.

I started walking towards the door. I grabbed my luggage and looked back at her for the last time. Waiting for her to ask me to stay. She just smiled sadly at me but did not say or do anything.

"Guess I'll just see you around then."

I said before walking towards the door. I pulled the door open and went out before closing the door. That's when I started crying. I pulled my luggage before calling Snack.

I went to her room that she's sharing with Aoom and they let me in.

I sobbed while sitting on their bed and they just stayed there with me.

"Awww. Everything will be alright, Charl."

Snack said while rubbing my back. It made me cry even more. I feel so hurt. I really thought that Engfa loves me. She told me once before and she even said so during an interview but now?

"I just don't get it. Why'd she lead me on? She made me believe that she loves me."

I said in between sobs. I looked at Snack and Aoom as if waiting for them to explain it to me. Aoom just looked at Snack.

"Maybe she did love you but she's just not ready to fully commit."

Snack said. I snorted. I didn't want to tell them what happened between us after the victory party or after my birthday party because we promised to keep it between us.

"Yeah, right."

I just said. I wiped my face with the tissue that Aoom gave me before standing up to look at myself in the mirror. God, I look like a mess and all because of one woman. The only woman that I will ever love.

"I think what I need now is a drink."

I said before looking at them. Snack immediately stood up but Aoom just looked at me like she disagrees.

"Alcohol will not solve anything."

Aoom said. Snack walked to me and hooked her arm on mine.

"But it will make you forget a little."

She said. We went to the hotel bar but Aoom stayed in their room. The place is packed and the DJ is just killing it. I immediately sat on the bar with Snack following just behind me. We ordered shots of tequila before drinking martinis.

"I think we need to go dance."

I told Snack. She high fived me in agreement. I'm feeling a bit tipsy already and it felt good. We walked to the dance floor and danced to our heart's content. I'm feeling the beat while my eyes are closed when I felt arms around my waist. I opened my eyes and saw a man dancing behind me. I looked at Snack but she's still in her dancing mood.

ENGLOT ONE SHOTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon