No More Golden Weather

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Synopsis: Kairi can't sleep one night, so he goes out for a bit. He doesn't expect to run into anyone, especially not someone he knows, but he ends up doing so and they have a chat


There were some nights where sleep was impossible to come by. Tonight happened to be one of those nights for Kairi. He had laid on his bed, tossing and turning for hours before he decided to give up trying to get any sort of rest. He knew that just laying there was better than nothing but he was dying of boredom and getting frustrated that he couldn't actually fall asleep. He could deal with the consequences of this later.

Kairi finally got up, throwing on a jacket haphazardly, and heading for the door. He put on his shoes and left. Maybe a little walk would help him? Though, being left alone with his thoughts was not something he enjoyed.

The town was quiet at this hour, a few cars going down the road. At this point of the night it was probably night shift getting ready to start their day. And here Kairi was, not able to end his day.

He found himself going to a familiar spot almost as if on instinct. This area was a place he could look up and see the stars well at. It had started to become commonplace for him to come here when he wanted to be alone.

The stars shown brightly tonight. There were no clouds to be found. The moon was bright and almost full. The weather tonight was good. Just a slight breeze coming through every now and again.

Kairi had no idea how long he had been standing there for, leaning against the railing and looking up at the stars. He was only brought back to his reality by a voice saying his name.

He blinked and glanced around, his gaze landing on the person standing on his right side. Keiichiro.

"Kei-chan... what are... you doing out so late?" Kairi tried to keep a normal appearance as he spoke. He wasn't used to being interrupted in moments like these, especially not by someone of this nature.

"I could ask the same of you." Keiichiro simply replied.

Kairi looked forward, staring at the stars reflecting in the water below. "Couldn't sleep. Wanted some fresh air."

"I just finished a late meeting. Was on my way home."

"Do you ever stop working?" Kairi rolled his eyes at the explanation.

"I like working, believe it or not." Keiichiro defended. "I don't think I'd know what to do with myself if I wasn't working."

Kairi stiffled a laugh. He knew this police officer was very dedicated, but to be that dedicated?

"You don't need to hang out with me if you have other things to do. I'm fine being alone." Kairi said.

Part of him wanted to get rid of Keiichiro so he could go back to what he was doing. It was always nerve-wracking to be around any of the GSPO members for long periods of time. But there was also a part of him that wanted Keiichiro to stay and talk for a bit longer.

"I need some time to calm after the disaster that was that meeting."


Keiichiro sighed, leaning down onto the railing. "The people who have never worked a day in this area think they know what's best for us."

"That must suck. What did they say you were doing wrong?"

"They accused us all of being sympathetic to the Lupinrangers because we haven't taken them into custody yet." Keiichiro grumbled. "No matter how much anyone from our team explained why it was taking so long, they didn't want to hear it."

"Then they should try to do it."

"I'd love to see them try. They'd not survive that long in our shoes."

It was weird having such a casual conversation. Especially when it was about the Lupinrangers. Kairi always worried somehow he would slip up and say something incriminating him.

"Kei-chan? I don't necessarily get why the Lupinrangers are such a threat. Aren't they just stopping the Ganglars all the same? Is that a crime?" Kairi didn't know what prompted him to say that. Was he getting defensive over his job?

Keiichiro didn't reply right away. He seemed to be pondering his response. Kairi braced for a lecture about how evil the Lupinrangers were and why they needed to be caught. It would be just like Keiichiro to be the one to say that.

"To be honest, it is mostly a publicity thing. The high-ups don't like them running the show saving people. They want it to be the police so the citizens trust us more." Keiichiro finally replied, "Technically they are criminals for stealing the Lupin Collection Pieces and the occasional destruction of public property."

"That's shocking coming from you." Kairi hummed, trying to hide his nerves. "I thought you were going to lecture me about even fathoming to think like that."

"Don't get it twisted." Keiichiro huffed. "I don't like the Lupinrangers. But legally speaking they aren't as big of criminals as they're made out to be. I still will catch them and reveal their identities to the world."

"What if one of them was someone you knew?"

The moment that question left Kairi's mouth, he immediately regretted it. He was dancing on his own grave at this point. Why did he want to keep pressing this topic?

"Someone I knew..." Keiichiro repeated. "Hmm... I'd be mad at them for not telling me."

"You're threatening to expose them and you think they would tell you?"

Keiichiro sputtered for a response. "I- uh... well, I guess that is a good point..."

Kairi chuckled. "Well, hopefully it's not someone you know."


They fell into silence for a while. Neither seemed to know what else to say, but also didn't seem ready to end this encounter.

"So... do you come here often?" Keiichiro broke the silence after a few minutes.

"I guess so." Kairi shrugged. "It's a good place to be alone."

"How come you don't live with your family?"

"I just... it's better this way."

"Is this about your brother?"


Kairi hated discussing his past. Keiichiro was probably not going to get that hint though, was he?

"Does it get lonely?"

"I've gotten used to it. I have Umika and Tooma. It's not like I'm completely alone."


"What? You offering to take me in?" Kairi scoffed.

Keiichiro didn't react to his words. He appeared to be thinking.

"If you need a place to go, my house is open."

"Eh?" Kairi blinked at him in surprise.

"I don't know... I guess maybe I worry about you a bit." Keiichiro mumbled. "There's just something about you."

"Aw... that's cute that you'd admit that to me." Kairi chuckled. "Thanks for the offer, Kei-chan. I'll keep it in mind if I ever need it."

Keiichiro nodded. "Please do."

"Anyway." Kairi stretched. "It's late. I think I'm going to head back home."

"Goodnight." Keiichiro replied. "See you around."

"Night, Kei-chan."

The two went their separate ways. Kairi didn't know what to make of that whole encounter. It had not been what he had expected at all. Well, he had things to discuss with Umika and Tooma tomorrow now. Let them know some of the things that had been said to him.

But for now, he should really try and get back to bed.

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