Subkit !! Nicknames

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' Siakit walked through Crossroads, looking for Exorspace, as he wasn't in the soup place. He searched buildings, alleys, streets, everything; and still couldn't find him. He sighed, going to the spawn and even checked the lamp posts, as he knew all Subspace variants liked to perch on them. '

' He grumbled when he couldn't find him, clutching his glock in his hand and just went back to the soup place. He sat down, grunting and pulled out his phone, texting him. '

' Kapi<3: Exo, where are ya hun? '

' HottieExo<3: Coming! Ran into Darkheart '

' HottieExo<3: KAPI, WHAT IS MY NAME? '

' Kapi<3: Nothinggg!~ '

' HottieExo<3: -.- '

' Siakit chuckled, putting down his phone and sipped his soup through a straw because of his mask. He leaned back in his chair, his medkit on the table and his glock in his lap. He closed his eyes, getting more comfortable, as he was the only one in the soup shop. '

' "KAPI!" Siakit jolted up, panicked. '

' Exorspace giggled, sitting beside Siakit and squinted at him, no wait, that was smiling. '

' Siakit sighed in relief, gulping and hugged his lover tightly. '

' "You scared me, Exo!" Exorspace chuckled, nuzzling his lovers chest and hugged him tighter. '

' Siakit purred gently from this, petting his lovers head as he finished his soup. The two eventually got up, going to a secluded alley to hangout without people hovering over them all the time. '

' Siakit sat down against a wall, grunting as he did and put his stuff down beside him. Exorspace flopped down on his lover, leaning against his chest and purred loudly, his back to his lovers chest as he cuddled up to him. Siakit laid his arm over his lover's shoulder, holding his hand as they cuddled. '

' "Hey, why do you call me Kapi?" Exorspace chuckled. '

' "We were talking through radios and instead of copy you said kapi!" Siakit sighed, taking off his mask and put it down. '

' "Did not! I said copy!" Exorspsce giggled, taking off his mask and stuck his tongue out. '

' "Did too!" Siakit pouted, quickly leaning down and kissed his lover, quickly pulling away a few seconds later. '

' Exorspace's face flushed red, squealing as he nuzzled his lovers chest to hide his face. '

' "Y-You can't just kiss me out of the blue like that-!!" Siakit chuckled, rubbing his lovers head and held him close. '

' "Just did~" Exorspace whined, turning to his side and nuzzled his chest more. '

' "You know you're so adorable when you whimper for me like that..~" Exorspace's face went red, staring up at his lover. '

' "W-WHAT?!" Siakit burst out laughing, running his fingers through his lovers hair to calm him. '

' "You are though!" Exorspace nuzzled his chest, squealing into it and hugged his lover tightly. '

' Siakit kissed his lovers head, leaning back more and admired him. He could never admit it, but his lover was truly amazing. His eyes, his smile, his laugh, it was perfect. He leaned down, nuzzling his lovers head and sighed softly. '

' "You're perfect.." Exorspace blushed, relaxing into his lover and cooed. '

' "You're perfect too.." '

My friend Kapi requezted I write thiz while we played Regretevator.

Alzo I would like to indulge you in my friend group a bit.

*tape mic* ahem, my friend punched a zpider with a zhoe.
My friend group iz weird
Oh well

Have a good day/night !!

Alzo Hai Kapi you big azz zimp for me (/hj) You can't ezcape being embarrazzed by me :3 ly<3 (/p)

If you're not Kapi then You Don't Zee Thiz.

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