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The fact that this witch stands before me unharmed is a testament to my self control. Although I feel that she won't remain that way for long. How could she do this to me ? I mean who even does that to someone?
It's Sunday around five thirty in the evening when she texted me . I repeat texted me that my father was in hospital. Whoever informs someone of such sensitive information via a text ? Obviously I panicked and rushed to see him. As soon as I got here though I discovered that there situation was far different from how I had pictured it. Turns out my father had been here since Thursday night and I was only just being informed now. I didn't know if strangling her was better than throwing her into a boiling pot of acid . The  blood in my veins had been replaced by pure rage .
" Why am I only learning about this now ?" I ask with barely controlled rage. Iris just looks at me insolently and says without hurry,
" You should be thanking me or else you would never have found out. Besides this all your fault,"
" How can you blame me..." She cuts me off mid sentence.
" Of course I blame you because just after disrespecting  your father and me you stormed out and then your father collapsed. Why do you think it happened ? Because of his health ?
" Your father is as fit as a fiddle but you caused this ,if you had just stopped being so selfish for a second we wouldn't be here," she is minutes away from tearing up but honestly I don't buy the act one bit. I just can't stand her and if I stay here for a second longer this will turn into a  bloody bloody crime scene.
" If you're done I'd like to move to more important things," my tone has her shivering a little but she holds her ground. I try to sidestep her but she blocks me.
The fact that she's met me at the parking lot tells me she's not going to make this easy for me.
" Of course you can go see your father right after we discuss something,"
I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh out my frustration something I normally wouldn't do.
But nothing about this  situation is normal so ...
" Yes Iris I'll attend your weekly tea parties with you and the ladies now that that's cleared up  I'll take my leave," each word is dripping with more sacarsm than the last. Once again she stops my attempt to walk away from her
" I'm afraid this has nothing to do with my tea parties and everything to do with the company," she says her demeanour slowly icing up.
I roll my eyes at her statement. Talk about impeccable timing.
" Iris do you really think this is the time ..."
Again she cuts me off.
" We could do this all night Lucius or you could let me say what I have to say ," she says with finality.
I realize that she's right the sooner I shut up the sooner I can get rid of her . She's challenging me with her ocean blue eyes to utter another word but for my sake I swallow my words.
" You're father's condition is a very fragile one therefore we want someone to step in his position for the meantime.
" You are obviously the candidate that most would favour but you don't meet the cut unfortunately," she finishes that last part in an apologetic way that I know is anything but.
To be the CEO you had to be either above thirty or engaged which would lead to marriage of course. While my integrity and leadership skills were unquestionable I wasn't qualified. I was twenty eight years and not in any relationship therefore I was not engaged.
" I don't need to break it down for you I'm sure we're on the same page. Your brother however he meets all the qualifications..."
Roman oh hell no there was absolutely no way  that bastard could be dad's stand-in. I honestly wondered if the guy had ever graduated kindergarten. As I'm thinking this I can see Iris watching me carefully and realize that she just wants to get a rise out of me . We both know that if he became CEO the company would collapse in less than a month. A company worth billions of dollars. Instead of reacting I steer the conversation in a different route.
" So what's the catch because you're not telling me all this for nothing  ?" I ask .
Her face instantly lights up like a Christmas tree.  That is one giant red flag and I brace myself for what's to come .
" It's simple you get engaged to Sienna and well I think you know the rest," she says gleefully.
I don't say anything I just stare at her dumbfounded.
" Well as usual it's been a pleasure speaking to you ,
The gleeful face is quickly replaced with the icy one from earlier which has no effect on me by the way.
" You have until midnight to give me an answer ." She once again shifts her expression to something lighter.
" Tea party  is going to be at three in the afternoon this Thursday don't be late." I don't miss the mockery in her words and with her work done she saunters off like she owns the place . My mind is racing with so many thoughts which I push aside as I rush to see my father.

" All that in English doc ?" I ask her . I got here a few minutes ago and my father was in the ICU taped to so many machines . I've seen my father in many states but not like this. I've never seen him weak and he taught me never to show my own weaknesses if I wanted to survive. I just couldn't believe how everything had changed so drastically. The doctor found me in here and I wanted to know what was wrong with him.
" He had a heart attack and now he's in a coma and it's not looking so good for him ," she says.
" Do you know when he'll wake up ?" I ask desperately.
" Honestly we can't tell. It could take days weeks ... What we can do however is monitor him and hope for the best,"
I look at him through the glass window outside his room wishing I could trade places with him .
" Do you know what might have caused the heart attack doc ? "
I dread the answer I'll hear.
" Well  he has a lot of cholesterol in him that reduced the flow of blood to his heart and I think he's handling a lot too,
" He should change to a healthy diet, exercise and reduce the level of stress . If that's all please excuse me," she lingers for a few beats and when no more enquiries come she leaves.
I get back to my father's side and sit on the stool beside the bed. I hold his hand and I stay that way for a while. I feel so much guilt consuming me from the  inside . His lifestyle would have caught up with him sooner rather than later but I came along and speeded up the process.
" Dad I'm sorry I ... ," I'm rendered speechless as an overwhelming feelings of guilt,anger and sadness rake through my body.
" I'll make sure that I'll be by your side no matter what,"
I take a deep breath and prepare to say the words that I dread the most.
" I'll get engaged to Sienna dad I will and I'll take care of the company for you don't worry."
It was now not a question of if but when I got married it would be beneficial for Wunder that much was obvious. I would have to put my happiness aside for my father's sake and for the company he built from the  ground to where it is now. The unfairness of the situation has hot silent  tears flowing down my cheeks.  But life has never been fair so I had to do what the situation required me to do. I rise and walk to the window that gives a view of the hospital's field and call her.
" Well that was fast so what's it gonna be ?"

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